Bella Gangster

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Third POV

Aliee Q&A interview

Fan- Hey Aliee how long along are you?

Aliee- hey I'm not ready to discuss information regarding my baby This moment.

Fan- Are you canceling your upcoming tours?

Aliee- no and yes the tours that are overseas have all been cancel the tours in Korea are still on.

Fan- Did you really break up with William chan?

Aliee- yes I did

Fan- Why did you what happen?

Aliee- I found out a few months again I was pregnant and the relationship wouldn't be health for me.

Fan- What is your relationship with William ?

Aliee reach over to her manager Lee and whisper to him and he get up and take the microphone down.

Manager Lee- "Aliee and William aren't in a current relationship right now. Yes she was the one who broke up with William Chan because of personal reasons and because it wasn't healthy for both her or the baby. Yes she is pregnant as you can all see. Aliee and William are close friends still and I hope you can all respect both of their wishes."

"At this time if you have anymore questions please feel free to go on Www. Aliee Fan and ask as many questions as you wish and there is also more information on the site dealing with Aliee tours and Schedules." Manager Lee told the fans

After the Q&A

Jazz handed Aliee another outfit to put on for the meet and greet with BTS. Manager Lee had other business to deal with so he felt Aliee in Jazz care.

"What are we going now?" Aliee ask
"We are going to the meet and greet with BTS" jazz say

The girls arrive at small cafe store and walk inside. Everyone was surprise to see Aliee in the store. She walk up to the cashier and buy a water and salad with chicken and Jazz bought juice and water two salads and chicken sandwich. The girls shit down and eat a few people that was in the cafe came up to them.

The bodyguards stop them but Aliee told them let her fans come to her. She take a few pictures and sign some pictures for them. The cashier ask her if she would get a picture with her and jazz.

"Are you okay jazz ? She would like a picture with all two of us with her"Aliee told jazz.

"Of course I would love to take the pictures with you guys" jazz say smiling and the girls take a few pictures with the cashier who name was Bell.

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