Bella Gangster

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Bella POV

I had to wake up shower get my make up do, find my outfit for the concert and shoes and have breakfast. I also had to sign some pictures for fans and send thank you letters. Also get in a little practice before the concert I wanted to do a little shopping today.

My family was going to go around Korea sight seeing and me will I was at Sm all day till the concert.

Finally it was time for the concert and let me tell you I was scared I wanted to put on a good show. I perform about 3 songs and handed out some of my albums to fans outside and inside. I also give them drinks since I knew some were waiting for a long time. After taking pictures I had a press convention and a one on one with some fans.

I was really tried and my bodyguards help me to the van I told the driver stop at a Burger King. I needed something sweet to eat I got out and oh boy was that a mistake I was attack by fans wanting pictures. My bodyguards helped me inside and I sit in a private area and eat in piece.

I felt like someone was watching me I look around and same face to face with Ace.

He walk over to me but my bodyguards stop him." It's alright guys let him come" I told them he side the opposite side of me.

"I can't let you get away so easy Angel I think I may have some kind of feeling for you" ace say I was taken back by his sudden out burst.

"You a dangerous man, you kill people and.." I couldn't find the right words to say.

"And you like me" Ace say finishing my sentence for me and I blushed.

"Listen Angel yes I'm dangerous and wanted by the FBI who happens to be your dad and your best friend  boyfriend. But I risk all of that cause I needed to see you I can't think straight Angel since the day I saw you please give me a chance" Ace say and I look down.

"Yes I have feeling for you Ace but I don't know if Flora told you I have a career here in Korea and the company wouldn't like this us being together it's bad for my look" I told Ace

"I know Angel but I can't get you out my head please" Ace say and grab my hand and kiss it.

"Fine but I don't know how we are going to keep this a secret I'm always in the spotlight and you are always in danger" I told him

"Two opposites make a positive" Ace say and I laugh.

"Your crazy for thinking this is going to work" I told him.

"Look Angel isn't it working now we are alone" Ace say

"We are in the Vip area of Burger King" I told him and he laugh.

"Shut up and come here"Ace say and I follow his orders. He pull me to sit on his leg and I did. Suddenly he got a call and his hold expression change. He looked angry I touch his hand and rub it and he look down at me. He kiss my forehead and put his chain on top of my head.

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