Bella Gangster

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I'm on my way to Korea to take care of some business since my brother left suddenly. I didn't tell him that Bella was pregnant with his child most likely.

I didn't want him anyway close her I was going to be the one to take care of her. I have been the one taking care of her all along. He left her in Korea by herself and she was pregnant she didn't had anyone. I was the one watching over her I was her secret guardian angel. The one she didn't know that was there all alone.

If he hurts her I'm going to break him I swear it. She is my Angel even if she is carrying his child. I don't care I'm going to protect her because I think I may love her. After all the problems we face I could never forget her. I have been with other women but I can't get her out my head.

She stole my heart and soul she stole the heart of a gang leader. She is my weakness she is my reason for living now.

The jet landed in Korea and I got off and walk into the airport. I got check and left I wasn't going to waste any time I needed to tell her how I feel.

I told the driver her apartment address and I went up to her room. She wasn't there she must have been working. She been working herself to hard. I guess it was her way to deal with how she felt.

I pulled out my phone and called her best friend Jessica.

"Hello Jessica this is Ace do you know where Aliee is?" I spoke into my phone.

She send me her schedule and she was at a meet and greet. I give the driver the directions to the place.

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