Bella Gangster

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Bella POV

"What do you want William?" I ask him

"I want my Angel I want out child" William say

"To bad both of us don't want or need you" I told him

"Will you listen to me first" William say

"I'm tried of you and your family bullshit I know all you are one" I told him

"How do you know ?" William ask

"You better run, run, run devil " I told him

"What ?" William say

"Your lier and I dont trust you neither do I want you. Listen here William chan you left me didn't text or call neither did anyone else but my mom, dad and Shane" I told him

"Shane told me everything I know your the new gang leader and that your flora brother and Ace is your half brother." I told him

"Listen to me " William say

"I'm leaving stay away from me" I told him

"If you leave I will find you and take my child" William say

"Oh I'm so scared the gang leader is going to take my child. If you come close me I will expose everything" I told him

"That will leave our child without a father" William say

"I didn't know my son had a father you were a sperm donator" I told him and he slam him hand against the wall. Caging me in "please don't hurt me I'm scared" I told him.

I kick him where it hurts and he fall to the ground in pain.

"You creep you left me for 3 months pregnant now wanna show your ugly face " I shouted at him

"Wait let me explain " William say getting up off the ground.

"Wait wait wait is all I heard I been left in the dark by both you and your brother I'm tried of you and your family" I told him and walk out

I fix my outfit and walk outside were reporters were waiting. I wave and I felt someone behind me I turn around to hit right into William smirking down at me.

"Are you two together again?" A reporter ask

"Yes she the mother of my child I never broke up with her" William say and I walk off.

The man gotta be crazy is hell to say that on camera.

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