Chapter Six || Comeback

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Rosalie pulled out Kai's pager and looked at the vibrating device.

"Is that a pager?" Lorelei asked. "Those are like ancient."

Rosalie nodded. "Do you have a phone?"

Lorelei came over to her and handed her a cell phone. After a bit of a struggle Rosalie typed in the number.


"What do you want Kai?" Rosalie asked, angry about what he had done.

"You make it somewhere safe?"

"Why do you care?"

"Just wanted to make sure you're okay. I'll be over to visit soon."

Before Rosalie could protest Kai had hung up.

Lorelei looked over from her pancake making. "Was that him?"

"Yes. He said he's coming over soon."

"He doesn't even know where we live." Lorelei scoffed. "Don't worry."

Rosalie tried to smile but she knew if Kai wanted to he could find them.


A few days later Rosalie and her sisters had settled into a routine. Lorelei and Karina still had school and Zeniff had a job, so Rosalie was left alone most of the time. They all ate dinner together at 6 and Lorelei had decided to have Rosalie sleep in her old room. They would talk late into the night about a million different things before Rosalie headed to her own room though.

Right now Rosalie had learned how to use most of the new things and was loving her new life. But she wanted to help more so she had decided she was going to get a job to help pay the bills.

Zeniff was the same age as Rosalie, technically. And so she shared her clothes but Rosalie was the same size as 18 year old Karina so she shared her shoes.

Rosalie realized very soon that she wouldn't be able to get a job with her license saying she should be almost forty. Instead Rosalie usually went and got a hot chocolate at a cafe down the street and sat, watching everyone.

Rosalie sipped her hot chocolate and as her eyes scanned the room she caught sight of someone outside the café. Panicked she stood up and grabbed her jacket, rushing out of the cafe. She hurried down the street and didn't dare look back.

She felt a hand on arm and she whirled around. She felt hot liquid spill on her dress and she looked up to see Kai.

He smirked. "We really need to stop meeting like this."

Rosalie glared at him. "Why are you here? How did you find me?"

"Well I tracked the number and found it the one and only Zeniff owned it. So I came here. Should we go change?"


"I already know the address." Kai started walking towards the house.

"Stop!" Rosalie yelled. She felt anger rising in her. She had never felt this angry. "What is your obsession with me? You don't love me, why do you have to torture me like this?" Rosalie's voice was shaking with anger but she also felt like she was about to cry.

Kai slowly walked back to her. "Why do I find you so interesting? It's because you feel Rosalie. You feel so much. You love me!" Kai laughed. "You were so shy the first time we met and you feel all these emotions and they are who you are." Kai came over to her and put his hands on her face. "You are fascinating. I am obsessed with you!"

Rosalie stared at Kai in disbelief. "You're obsessed with me?"

"Yes!" Kai almost yelled. He moved away. "Why do you think I let you leave. I don't feel anything. I was curious. You seem to feel everything."

Rosalie slapped him across the face. "You were curious?" She punched his chest and he stared at her. "Stop!" She screamed, she shoved him away. "Stop looking at me like that!" She threw her coffee cup at him, spilling the rest all over him.

Kai let her throw her fit before he moved forward and caught her face in his hands. "Do you still love me?"

Rosalie froze, staring in his deep eyes. She could get lost in his eyes and she had gotten lost in them many times before.

"Yes." She whispered. "I shouldn't. I shouldn't be in love with you but I am." She shoved him away from her. "I'm still in love with you. Is that what you want to hear?"

Kai stared at her and she folded her arms, shoving past him. He didn't follow her and she didn't care to turn around and look at him.

Saving Rosalie || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now