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Iruka then says "Well don't be afraid here we will keep you safe!" he  says  while smiling then he pulls me inside  then  plops me next to the pineapple dude. He then says "Stay here while I look for Naruto." I nod my head yes then  he disappears into smoke, cool~! I sit there for awhile theen  close my  eyes for 10 min  and open them and see a bunch  of girls infront of my face I scream and fall onto the floor. I stand up brush myself off and ask them "Is there something that you need?" then then nod their heads 'yes'many times  might I add then the blonde one says "YOU STAY AWAY FROM OUR SASUKE-KUN!" Then the pinkette says " OR ELSE!"  she says cracking her knuckles. The other girls seem to agree to beating me up so I nod yes in fear then one aims to punch  me but I squeak and run out of the classroom. I keep running until I see a tree, then I run to it and stay on the branches, I remember I left Pepper in the class, but I'm sure he  won't mind, I wipe my tears away and drift off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iruka POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I come back to the classroom and see it's eerily silence. 'Well that's odd' I think and the I see Pepper growl at all of the girls- except for  Hinata. I then look around for Amaya, and see that she is not here.

"Has any of you seen Amaya-Hime?" I ask and forget to not call her  hime. Then all the fan girls looked shocked when  I said 'hime' "Oh no!" I mutter.  "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HIME?! HUH!? THAT SCARDEY CAT SHOULDN'T BE PRINCESS!" They screeched.

"Oh no!" I shouted before I bolted out of the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shikamaru POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sensei bolted  out  of the room looking like there was a apocalypse or something. 'Was she really a princess?' I thought. So me being the smart person I am decided to go to the hokage tower. Then  I heard some talking inside, so I pressed my ear against the door and heard the conversation that thankfully just started.

"Amaya-Hime! Why did you run, you know you are the only Ookami left! Not only that but you are the missing Ookami Princess  also known as the Wolf Mistress (A/N just thought of Wolf Mistress XD)" That's all I needed to hear, so I then bolted out and  ran back to the classroom. Its such a drag  to run  into the Hokage Tower then back  to the academy. When I got back all eyes were on me.

I asked "Troublesome what do you  want?"  They all went back to what they were doing, so I smirked in triumph. I walked back to my  seat  next to Choji , my best friend. He then asked "So  what did you find out?" I sighed and said "This is such a drag! We have a actual princess, that was apparently  abused, (he also eavesdropped on the part where Iruka asks if she was abused XD sneaky shika)in our class!"

He then looked shocked and said "Hey do you want to be her friend-- not because she's a princess!  But because she is lonely!"

I thought for a moment then said "It's such a drag but okay." I smirked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amaya POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we got back in class Iruka was dragging me in shouting "COME ON HIME WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY!!!" I yelled back "WELL SORRY I  DONT WANNA GET PUNCHED!" He sighed then poofed us into class, he then sighed and dragged me next to pineapple head. I pouted up to him  and he just smirked 'Grr sensei!!!' I thought and sat down. Then pineapple man said "Hello Amaya-San my names Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi. Do you wanna   be friends with us?" I  grinned and nodded my head and replied "Hi Shikamaru and Choji and I would love to be your friends!"

They grinned and then time for lunch. Shikamaru took my hand and pulled he onto the roof with Choji running up the roof waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past us. I sweat dropped and  said "Well someone's eager for lunch" I hear Shikamaru chuckle and nod in agreement.



I'm Fine, Don't Worry About Me [Naruto FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now