Happy Birthday!

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~Ino POV~

Hmm Amaya's birth day is in 2 days! I wonder what I should give her.... Oh I know! I'll ask Sakura when she and her team finally get here!

But wait... nevermind! I'll just ask Daisuke, since he knew Amaya first!

I run over to Daisuke. "Hey.. do you know what Amaya likes?" He nods with a grin on his face "Well, she likes... she doesn't have many... but here are the ones I know

Well she likes Singing, singing with me, playing with me, talking about wolves, her wolves Pepper and Luna, me, Shikamaru, Choji, you.... uhh baking, her friends, singing for children, because oddly it makes them happy, uhh... being helpful, and one more, but that's private."

I look at him weird, "That's a lot....," He shrugged, "I know."

I face palm and walk towards the exit and look out side to see if anyone else is coming. No one is there.. waiit a second.. is that- is that- is that Amaya!? Oh she's talking to her boyfriend..

WELP there's nothing else to do but to sleeep. I walk back to the room and go to sleep.


~Ino POV~

Forehead's team  finally makes it with Sasuke-Kun~

Of course he would make it~ he's the coolest, and the strongest! KYAA!!

After they explain the peliminaries

~Third POV~


Sasuke vs Yoroi Akado: Sasuke wins

Zaku Abumi vs Shino Aburame: Shino wins

Misumi Tsurugi vs Kankuro: Kankuro wins

Sakura Haruno vs Ino Yamanaka: Double knockout

Tenten vs Temari: Temari wins

Shikamaru Nara vs Kin Tsuchi: Shikamaru wins

Naruto Uzumaki vs Kiba Inuzuka: Naruto wins with a fart.


Next Battle

!Amaya POV!

I looked up onto the screen

Hinata Hyuga vs Neji Hyuga

I looked at Guy and he nods, silently signaling me to stop the fight if Neji goes beserk with anger, rage, or destiny. Or maybe if he gets triggered.

As the fight rolls on nothing in particular reminds me of my birthday, which is tomorrow. ._. why do I keep remembering?

~Time Skip to when Neji gores beserk~

Neji goes beserk, but non of the other Jonins catch it maybe it was because he was about to, only 10 more seconds until.

He tries to strike Hinata but I flash step infront of him and stop the attack with one hand, with no chakra. Neji tried to move to Hinata, but I growl, and it was noooooot a veryyy happy one.. on a scale from 1 to 10 it was a.. 20.............................

He flinches back, so I walk back up the stairs. Neji tried to hit someone, and yes he did hit someone. And that someone was me. He punched my back. Hard, and it was probably infused with chakra.

I almost fall over, but sand catches me. I smile at Gaara and he nods. I stand turn to Neji. 

 For some reason I turn into the adult wolf, and Pepper and Luna look at me.

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