Chapter 1

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"What's for dinner honey?" Carter Daniel asked his wife Olivia
"Spaghetti." Olivia said
"You know you make the best spaghetti." Carter said leaning in and kissing his wife.
She causally pointed back toward the living room. Their son Noah was sitting on the sofa almost asleep.
"Noah wake up dinner is ready." Carter yelled
He jumped up and said "What! I wasn't sleeping"
"Sure you weren't, come eat" Olivia said
After dinner they sat down in front of the tv, Olivia was browsing through the channels to find something to watch and click on the news.
"Why are we watching the news?" Carter asked
"I heard the virus is spreading." She said
"No it hasn't even left Mexico yet we're gonna be fine" Carter said
On the screen was footage from a news helicopter, it showed cops opening fire on a person and the person just kept walking.
"Dad how is he taking bullets like that?" Noah said with fear in his voice
"I don't know." Carter said with his eyes glued to the tv.
The man made it to the officers and bit him in the shoulder.
"Oh my god, Olivia turn it off." Carter said
Olivia changed the channel.
"What the hell was that?" Olivia asked
"I don't know." Carter said
"But dad you're a cop just like those guys, what if that happens to you?" Noah asked
"It won't" Carter said
"Noah go to bed" Olivia said
Noah went to his room, when he walked in he closed his blinds and grabbed a baseball bat from his closet then he laid it in the bed next to him and he went to sleep.
Back in the living room Olivia is fearing for husbands life.
"Are you going to work tomorrow?" Olivia asked
"Yes but I'll be ok, and you and Noah are staying home the school will probably be closed anyway." Carter said
They went into their room and went to bed. At five in the morning Carter woke up and got ready for work. He took a shower, shaved, and put on his police uniform and belt. He walked to his safe and got his pistol and put it on the gun belt. He walked to the door and looked out the window before stepping out into the world. He headed to work and checked in and everything seemed normal so he went out on patrol. The day was rather silent other than the riots which the police couldn't interfere unless there was violence. Finally Carter got a call "We have an officer in need of assistance in Colorado Springs." Carter took the call and headed that way lights and sirens on. When he arrived at the scene he saw and officer on the ground with a man on top of him trying to bite him. The officer has just barley holding the mans face away from his. Carter started running toward the man and tackled him off the officer. He aimed his gun at the man on the ground "Stop resisting or I will shoot!" He yelled. The man jumped up and pushed Carter to the ground. Carter looked over at the other officer while hold the man from biting him the other officer was on the ground holding his leg. Carter managed to push the man off of him and he ran back and pulled out his gun. Carter took aim square in between the eyes and fired one shot. The man dropped on the ground like a sack of potatoes. Carter ran over to the other officer and helped him up. "How did you kill that SOB?" He asked "I shot him" Carter said "I put a whole clip into him" he said. They got in the cop car and was headed to a hospital. Carter noticed the officer wasn't talking much so he look at him and noticed his eyes were glazed over and he was staring at Carter like he wanted to eat him. The officer leaned over the center console biting at cater causing him to swerve and the car swung of a steep him then it started rolling it rolled all the way to the bottom. Carter woke up confused as to why he was in a crashed upside cop car at the bottom of a mountain with someone trying to eat him. He snapped back into it and climbed out of the cars window and tried to call for an ambulance. He had a pretty big gash on his leg he looked down and noticed that it was bleeding a lot. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around his leg and he climbed up the hill to the road. No cars came so he started limping toward his house which want very far away. When he arrived home the house was locked up he knocked on the door and noticed a the curtain open the close real quick. Then the door opened to Olivia and Noah yelling his name and hugging him. "What the hell is going on?" Carter asked
"Go look the news is on now" Noah said
He limped in and look at the tv, the guy on news looked like he had been through some serious stuff.
"The virus seems to be a mutated flu like disease that spreads through bites and scratches. It kills people and turns them into flesh eating beings, there is nothing left of the person the once were they are just a walking corpse that is very hungry. If you come into contact with one of these creatures destroy the brain. This is our last broadcast, stay safe and good luck."

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