Chapter 14

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Carter woke up to knock on his classroom door. He put his clothes on and opened the door it was Noah.
"There's nothing to eat." Noah said
"Are you exaggerating or are you serious?" Carter asked
"No I mean we're out." Noah said
Carter ran over to the food box and opened it.
"Shit. Go wake everyone else up." Carter said
Carter climbed up onto the box as everyone made their way into the gym.
"Ok guys we have a problem." Carter said
Everyone started talking.
"Guys listen it's not to bad. Ok it kinda is we are out of food, we need to go on a run today so I need volunteers." Carter said
"I'll go." Skylar said
"Me too." Edge said
"Sure why not." Jim said
"Ok Denis I'm leaving you in charge of the place can you handle that?" Carter asked
"Yeah." Denis said
"Alright get your stuff and lets roll out." Carter said jumping off the box and heading out to the truck.
Everyone got in the truck and the they drove away from the school.
"If we head down into Denver we can check some grocery stores and see if their not looted already." Carter said
"Sounds good." Edge said
They drove into Denver and pulled up to a Walmart.
"Here we go let's hope for the best." Carter said
They walked into the store.
"Holy shit." Jim said
"It looks almost untouched." Skylar said
They looted most of the place. Carter and Skylar headed into the pharmacy.
"Anything that looks safe, any painkillers, any cold medicines grab it." Carter said
"What about these?" Skylar said holding up a box of condoms.
"Yeah. Not just for us, did you hear Sarah and Edge last night?" Carter asked
Skylar laughed.
"It's hard to believe that even in the worst scenario we're still doing it." Carter said
"Anyway let's go check the outdoors section." Skylar said
They headed back to the outdoors section and Carter found a rife and rounds for it. They grabbed some propane heaters and some propane tanks as winter was coming. They were about to get back into the truck when Carter heard something down the road.
"Give me the rife." Carter said
He grabbed it and looked down the scope. There was a deer standing in the middle of the street.
"Would you look at that." Carter said handing the rifle to Skylar
"Looks like the urban area is already getting wild." Skylar said
"Not as wild as Edge and Sarah." Carter said grabbing the rifle back
He took aim and shot the deer right square in the head.
"Alright let's get that deer and go home before the deadheads get here." Carter said jumping in the back of the truck
They stopped at the deer and grabbed it when Carter jumped back in the back of the truck Edge pointed in front of them.
"Umm." Edge said
A group of at least 50 deadheads came around a street corner.
"Back up!" Carter yelled
They backed up but were cut off by more deadheads.
"Fuck. Just go through the group in front when I say to." Carter said
"Ok Skylar grab the pistol and shoot into the group make the shots count." Carter said
"Ok" Skylar said
Carter pulled up the rifle and started shooting the deadheads.
"Go!" He screamed and the truck took off toward the herd.
The truck drove toward the herd as Carter and Skylar were shooting deadheads from the back of the truck.
The truck hit the deadheads causing it to stop in its tracks. Carter and Skylar climbed to the roof of the truck and looked around.
Edge opened the sun roof slightly.
"You guys ok up there?" Edge asked
"Yeah but there's a lot of them." Carter said
"I can tell the truck can't even pile through them." Edge said
Carter and Skylar continued to shoot down into the herd killing many deadheads but not enough.
"Carter this isn't working. We have to throw the deer out." Skylar said
"What!" Carter said
"If we throw the deer out the back most of the deadheads will go to the back, at least enough to allow the truck to go through." Skylar said
"Alright." Carter said
They each grabbed a side of the deer and tossed it far from the truck. The deadheads went to the deer carcass and started eating it.
"Gas on it!" Carter yelled to Edge
Edge hit the gas and the truck started moving through the herd eventually they made it out. Carter and Skylar sat back down in the back of the truck as they went back to the school.
"That was fun." Skylar said
"Yeah." Carter said out of breath
They arrived at the school and walked in with all of the supplies. Carter stood on the box and everyone gathered around.
"Ok as it might be a while before we go back to Denver we need to ration. I think the last time we went through our food way to wrecklessly. So this time we ration and it might last longer." Carter said
"Why can we got back to Denver for a while?" Noah asked
"Well long story short we had a deer and now it is being torn apart by at least a hundred deadheads." Carter said
"Ok then." Noah said
"Alright, good night guys, and here's to tomorrow." Carter said jumping off the box.

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