Chapter 40

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They woke up early on the morning to the sound of trucks coming toward the gate.
"They're back! Push your dad to the basement." Skylar yelled into Noah's room.
Noah and Jake woke up and ran into his dads room and pushed him into the basement.
They walked outside and Edge was talking to Dalton.
"Well guys it's your first day! Are you ready to fight?!" Dalton yelled
"What do you want us to do?" Edge asked
"Well if u wanna fight people you should be able to deal with the dead so let's start with that." Dalton said
They followed Dalton outside. Dalton whistled and a deadhead came from the brush and started walking toward him.
He pulled out a shorty shot gun and shot the dead head in the face. More came walking form the brush because of the gun shot.
"Edge, let's see it." Dalton said
Edge walked up to one and stabbed it in the head with the back of a hammer.
"Ok keep moving Skylar come on up." Dalton said
Skylar kicked the deadhead back and pulled her pistol and shot it.
She looked at Dalton and gripped the pistol harder.
"Careful Skylar." Dalton said angrily
"You're next Noah." Dalton said
Noah walked up to a deadhead and kicked its knee in making it fall. He took the bat off his back and started bashing its brains in. He was getting blood all over himself and Dalton who was standing close watching.
"Ok it's dead." Dalton said
"I just wanted to show you what I'm capable of." Noah said
Dalton shot an angry look.
"Hey it's a new kid, what's your name?" Dalton asked
"I'm Jake." Jake said
"Ok show me your stuff." Dalton said
Jake walked up to the last deadhead and put his revolver to its head, pulled the hammer, and shot it. The bullet went through and ricocheted of a car and hit Casper in the leg.
"Mother fucker! You shot me!" Casper said
He limped toward Jake and hit him in the face.
"Casper it ricocheted." Dalton said
Jake fell to the ground and Casper kneeled over him and kept hitting him. Noah walked over to Casper who was still hitting his new friend. He swung the bat and hit Casper in the side of the face knocking him out, he fell on the ground next to Jake. Noah reached his hand out to help Jake up.
"Thanks." Jake said getting pulled up by Noah.
"Go ahead do whatever you're gonna do." Noah said to Dalton.
"Ok." Dalton said
Instead of walking toward Noah he walked toward Casper.
"We don't hit kids." Dalton said kicking Casper in the face
Casper woke up.
"What happened?" Casper asked
"We don't hit kids." Dalton said kicking him again
"Ah please stop! I won't do it again!" Casper said
"Everyone go back inside and shut the gate." Dalton said
They all started to walk inside.
"Besides Noah and Jake." Dalton said
Noah and Jake stopped
"You gonna need to this is. If this doesn't prove that we won't hurt you I don't know what will." Dalton said
Dalton fired a shot outside in the air and more deadheads came out of the brush.
"Stand on top of that car." Dalton said
Noah and Jake stood on top of the car.
"What are you doing man?!" Casper asked almost crying
Dalton shot both of Casper's legs.
"Nooo! Ahh!" Casper yelled
Dalton climbed up on top of the car and the deadheads kneeled down over Casper sand started eating his flesh. He screamed loudly only for a little bit before passed out from the pain, or died one of the two.
"Let's go back in." Dalton said
Dalton, Noah, and Jake walked back into the safe zone.
"Good job training this week, especially you Noah." He said ruffling up Noah's hair.
"I'll see you all next week goodbye." Dalton said
Dalton got into his truck and left running over the deadheads eating Casper.
Carter came out after they left.
"How'd it go?" Carter asked
"Well we're still alive." Skylar said
"That's all that matters anymore." Carter said

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