Chapter 21

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Carter stood up on the box in gym.
"You guys did great out there we got a lot of them but Elliot's still out there. There's no telling when he will strike back and when he does we may lose more people. Everyone from the Arsenal ran different directions before the bomb went off. I don't know who made it out but I don't think Axel did. Also we lost one of our own, Sarah. Sarah has been with me, Edge, and Noah since the start. We met at a Walmart and she helped us get supplies and eventually fell in love with Edge. So if you can please comfort Edge, we're gonna need him to kill Elliot. Another problem we may have in the future: remember the Vikings? Well the Arsenal had been protecting their aquarium from dead and alive alike. That burden is on us now, anyway we get ready for the fight there's no telling who Elliot might bring to fight, you've all seen how fast he could create a army." Carter said
"I think once we take down the Horsemen or what's left of them, no one will mess with us because they've seen what we can do." Skylar said
"Lets hope so." Carter said
The deadheads banged on the boarded windows.
"I think the spikes might have given up." Denis said
"Yeah. It'd be nice if we had someone with the knowledge to build a great big wall maybe around the school and some of the area around." Carter said

Marcus woke up under the bridge he went to sleep beneath.
"Well time to go introduce myself." Marcus said
He headed toward the school.

Carter walked into the gym and saw Noah practicing his swing with his bat.
"You've kept that bat around?" Carter asked
"I'll die before I lose it." Noah said
"Don't say stuff like that." Carter said
Someone banged on the door with a considerable amount of force.
Everyone pulled up their guns and walked to the door.
"If it's Elliot pull him in and tie him up." Carter said
Carter slowly opened the door and saw someone who wasn't Elliot.
"Who are you?" Carter asked looking behind him
"My name is Marcus I led the zeds outta here." Marcus said
"Well Marcus, come in my name is Carter and this is, Noah, Edge, Denis, Lucy, Jim, and Skylar." Carter said introducing everyone.
"Have you been bitten?" Carter asked
"I don't think so." Marcus said
"I'll take that as a no." Carter said
"Do you need something?" Carter asked
"I was kinda hoping I could stay, I was with a group but they didn't make it, we were in a store and they got cornered by zeds." Marcus said
"Have you killed anyone?" Skylar asked
"Yeah one person, he tried to rape my girlfriend I killed him." Marcus said
"I'm sorry to hear that." Carter said
"You're welcome to stay." Edge said
"Thank you guys so much." Marcus said
"There's food in the gym." Jim said
"You're welcome to anything you need but try to pull your own weight." Carter said
"Oh trust me I will anything you need just ask me." Marcus said
"Well in that case Marcus, we need to go on a run." Carter said
"I'll go." Marcus said
"I'll go too." Skylar said
"No Skylar stay here. I'm taking Noah." Carter said
"Yay finally." Noah said
Noah grabbed his bat and the headed out the door.
Carter, Marcus, and Noah walked up behind a zed.
"I saw you do it at the safe zone but I need to see you do it again. Go take that one out." Carter said to Noah
Noah ran up behind it and swung the bat from the right hitting the deadhead in the head causing it to fall in a heap. Noah looked at it and it started moving again. He swung the bat down and bashed the zeds skull killing it.
"Gonna have to hit harder if you want to kill it first try." Carter said
"It hurts my hands I'm gonna need some gloves." Noah said
"We'll look around." Carter said
They continued walking until they found another zed.
"Ok Marcus your turn." Carter said
"Ok." Marcus said
Marcus pulled out his knife and ran up the the zed and sunk the knife in its head causing it to fall dead.
"Nice" Carter said
They arrived at a small town. They scavenged a k-mart they got the useful supplies and Carter went back to the sporting goods section and grabbed so leather gloves to give to Noah.
They walked out and Carter gave Noah the gloves.
"Woah cool, thanks." Noah said
"You're welcome go test them on that deadhead over there. Remember more force." Carter said
Noah ran up to the zed who was facing him. He swung the bat sideways sending the deadhead spinning and falling dead.
"Yeah." Carter said giving Noah a high five.
"That felt a lot better." Noah said
"That kid is strong." Marcus said
"Thanks." Noah said
"He's been practicing that swing pretty much since the beginning." Carter said
"Wow." Marcus said
They started walking back.
"So is Skylar your wife?" Marcus asked
"No." Carter said
"Is she Noah's mom?" Marcus asked
"No." Carter said
"Oh I'm sorry, she didn't make it did she?" Marcus asked
"No." Carter said
"Me and my girlfriend were in a store not to long ago. We were trapped on top of the shelves, the online way to make it to the exit was jumping from one shelf to the other. I jumped the gap, she said she couldn't do it. I told her she could, I was wrong." Marcus said tearing up.
Carter patted him on the back.
"We've all lost too much, when we got to the school I thought it was over but then we met the Horsemen, we killed a lot of them but they killed one of ours and killed a bunch of people from a group we knew. Elliot is still out there. We just need something a wall or some defenses something." Carter said
"I was a structural engineer before. I can help you build the wall." Marcus said
Carter stopped walking, looked over at Marcus, and smiled.
"Thank you."

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