Chapter 23

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Carter stood up on the box.
"Good morning everyone. Nice to see we're all packing guns. Like I said you shouldn't have to use it but we never know what may happen. Marcus is making more advancements on the wall plans, so believe it or not we may just be safe in the near future.
But I've done some thinking. If we have such a 'mighty fortress' people may want to hurt us to get it. I know, I know I was just thinking worst case scenario. By what I see on the wall plans the wall should be right next to the far side of the school so we can have people up top doing watch and warning us of potential threats." Carter said
"We can rotate on watch." Skylar said
"Yep you guys got it." Carter said
"Sounds good." Edge said
"Alright lets see what we get into today." Carter said jumping off the box

"How about we get into something?" Lucy asked Denis.
"Sure." Denis said
They headed to into Lucy's classroom and shut the door.
"Listen I've been trying to find a way to tell you that I like you but I couldn't so I'll just say it. I like you." Denis said to Lucy
"I love you." Lucy said tackling Denis to the ground.

"Ok you two, can you go out and check the local hardware stores?" Marcus said to Carter and Edge
"Yeah sure what do we need to grab?" Carter asked
"Nothing just check maybe write down what they have we're looking for wood, metal sheets, screws, maybe engender support poles." Marcus said
"Ok we'll go look." Carter said
Carter and Edge walked out the door into the world.
"It's hard to believe this place will be walked in soon." Carter said getting in the truck
"Yeah I cant believe we still have gas." Edge said
"It's running low but enough to get us there and back." Carter said
Carter started the truck and they headed to the hardware store.
"How are you doing?" Carter asked Edge while driving
"It's rough man." Edge said
Carter just looked straight.
"Question; do you like Kenny Loggins?" Carter asked
"No man don't do it." Edge said
Carter press the play button on the radio.
"Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howlin' roar." Carter sung
"Stop!" Edge yelled
"Metal under tension begging you to tough and go." Carter sung
"No seriously stop there's a guy!" Edge yelled
Carter turned down the radio and noticed a guy running down the road away from them.
Carter hit the gas and pulled in front of the guy. He jumped out and stopped the man.
"What are you running from?" Carter asked
"You!" The man said before taking off running again.
"No we won't hurt you!" Edge yelled to him.
"Seriously I don't feel like chasing this guy." Carter said looking back at Edge
Carter and Edge got back in the truck and drove back in front of the guy.
"Just get in we have a safe place we won't hurt you." Carter said
The guy stood there contemplating.
"Ugh why not." The guy said getting in.
"So what's your name stranger?" Carter asked
"Stewart." The man said
"Well now its dinner." Carter said
"What!" The guy and Edge yelled
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Carter said
"That's not something you joke about." Edge said
"Yeah I realize that now I apologize." Carter said
"Well anyway the jokester here is Carter and I'm Edge." Edge said
"Nice to meet you two." Stewart said
"Well we're headed out to survey a hardware store if you want to go." Carter said
"I don't know where else I'd go, and if you don't mind me asking why?" Stewart asked
"We have a guy that's planning to build a wall for us. Well we build it he plans it." Carter said
"Sounds good to me." Stewart said
"So Stewart do you like Kenny Loggins?" Carter said
"Oh here we go again." Edge said
"I actually do." Stewart said
"We're gonna get along just fine." Carter said
Carter turned the radio back up.
"Highway to the danger zone." Carter sung
"Ride into the danger zone." Stewart sung.
"Oh now there's two of them." Edge said
They drove to the hardware store and walked up the doors.
"Uh Stewart you need a weapon." Carter said looking around.
"I got something." Stewart said
He want around the corner and came back with a shopping buggy
"You mean you gonna kill zeds with that?" Edge asked
"I dont see why not." Stewart said
"Ok then you can go first." Carter said
The opened the door and there was a deadhead standing in the center of the isle in front of them.
"Go get em tiger." Carter whispered hitting Stewart in the back.
Stewart pushed the buggy at full speed knocking the deadhead down he ran a rind the buggy and stomped the zeds head in.
"Damn." Carter said
They got the information they needed and headed back tot he school.
"Hello everyone!" Carter said opening the door.
"We have a new one." Edge said
Stewart walked in.
"Hey." Stewart said
"I know we have a few people." Carter said
"Ok here we go this is Skylar, Noah, Lucy, Denis, Jim, and Marcus." Edge said
"Hey everyone I'm Stewart." Stewart said
"Come with me Stewart." Carter said
"What did you do before?" Carter asked
"I was a teacher." Stewart said
"Here?" Carter asked
"Yeah." Stewart said

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