Chapter 25

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"Get down!" Carter yelled getting up against the wall.
The Horsemen stated shooting at the school building.
"They're shooting the second floor!" Edge yelled
"What the hell?!" Skylar said
Carter peeked out of cover and shot a guy.
"Shit! Keep firing on them I'm gonna check the second floor!" Carter said
Carter ran by the front windows dodging bullets and he went up the stair case. When he got to the top he saw what he hoped he wouldn't. There was blood all over the place the Horsemen had known that they took in Felix's people.
Carter over to a window and started shooting down at the Horsemen. He noticed a gap in the bullets so he ran back downstairs to check on the rest of the group.
"How is everyone up there?" Lucy asked
Carter just shook his head and shot a few bullets at the Horsemen.
"Hold them off until Felix's people get here with the deadheads." Carter said
"Worked on it." Skylar said
Bullets were flying over head and every now and again someone from the group fought back.
"They just won't give up!" Carter yelled
Carter went up and shot five guys in one sweep.
"Nice one Carter!" Edge said
"We got them down in numbers, once the deadheads get here we should be fine." Carter said
"Hope so." Skylar said
Just after Edge said that a flare shot out of the woods hitting a guy in the back burning him. Zeds came in a large group over the hill they got to the Horsemen. They started shooting the deadheads and they started dying one by one. The put their back to the school and started head toward it, Fighting off the zeds.
Carter opened the front door and grabbed Elliot dragging him in and Edge tied his arms to a rail.
"Kill the rest of them." Carter said
They killed the rest of the Horsemen and the zeds ate their bodies.
Carter, Edge, and Skylar walked over to Elliot.
"What are you gonna do to me?" Elliot asked
"What do you think?" Edge asked
"No please don't, spare me like I said before you'll never see me again." Elliot said
"You said that last time and you came crawling back." Edge said
"Why is it that when we kill your people you turn into a coward?" Carter asked
"I don't." Elliot said
"Why, kill innocent people?" Carter asked
"It what we have to do to survive in this world, if you care about these people you'll do it too one day." Elliot said
"No, I won't." Carter said
"Then you won't survive." Elliot said
Noah came out of the class room.
"Noah stay in there just a little longer." Carter said
"Why can't the kid watch?" Elliot said
"How about you leave the kid out of this?!" Skylar said
Carter looked at Skylar and nodded.
"Why did you kill Sarah?" Edge asked
"Oh you mean that blonde chick, I needed to buy some time." Elliot said
"Son of a bitch." Edge said before jumping on Elliot and punching him in the face a few times
"Get this guy off me!" Elliot yelled
"No." Carter said watching Edge beat up Elliot
After a few good hits Elliot started coughing up blood.
"Ok stop Edge." Carter said pulling Edge off.
"Bring him in the middle of the gym." Carter said
Edge and Skylar drug Elliot into the middle of the gym.
"You've messed up what we have here, you killed the Arsenal, you killed Axel my friend, and you attacked the Vikings." Carter said
"You've killed too manny people it's time to put a stop to that." Carter said
Carter handed Edge a knife.
"Anyone with a weak stomach you might want to leave." Carter said
Stewart walked out of the room.
"Thank you for letting me do this." Edge said
"Are you sure you can?" Carter asked
"Definitely." Edge said
"See Carter you doing some crazy shit and why? Because I killed your friends?" Elliot said
"I feel like that's a pretty good reason to slit your throat." Carter said
Edge walked behind Elliot and grabbed his hair pulling his head back.
"One day Carter you will change, you can't stay how you are, not in this world. Not anymore." Elliot said
Edge slit Elliot's throat causing him to fall to the ground making a blood puddle on the floor beneath his body.
"Shut up." Carter said kicking him
Edge dropped the knife.
"Let's get this idiot out of here before he turns." Edge said
They grabbed him and carried him upstairs.
"Oh my god he killed them all." Edge said
"Just don't look." Carter said
They got to the window and threw Elliot's body into the deadheads.
They watched as his body was ripped to shreds.
Carter pulled out the radio.
"Ok get the zeds out of here." Carter said
"10-4" Felix said
A flare shot down the road causing the deadheads to go down the road.
Carter walked downstairs to the room where Noah was.
"You can come out now." Carter said
"Is everyone alive?" Noah asked
"Everyone but Elliot." Carter said
"Good." Noah said
"Don't go upstairs." Carter said
"Are they dead?" Noah asked
Carter just looked at him and the walked out into the hall and just then two people came down the stairs.
A little girl and her big sister.

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