Chapter 8

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"I wonder what happened to Wayne and Colby?" Denis asked
"They might have made it out or..." Skylar said before getting cut off
"They may have ended up thinks Olivia." Carter said
"Carter you gonna have to stop." Edge said
"Stop thinking about her?" Forget it, I don't even know how Noah's sleeping." Carter said
"Where are we going Skylar?" Wyatt asked
"I don't know yet." Skylar said
A couple hours later they stopped in the road to sleep.
"I'll take first watch not like I'll be able to sleep anyway." Carter said
He sat on the hood of the truck and looked at the stars.
"Why... why God. I know you have a greater pan for all of us but why her? She was so loving, so nice, so innocent. How am I ever going to get over her? How am I going to go on? I don't want to lead anymore, not now anyway not until I get over her. I can't handle the guilt. I can't handle the pain. I just want to whither away into nothingness." Carter said silently
"Can't sleep?" Noah's voice came from the back
"Come sit up here." Carter said patting the hood.
"How you holding up?" Carter asked
"I'm ok, I just can't believe she's gone. It just seemed like she would never die. I mean like you said we were gonna survive this." Noah said
"I thought it would be different." Carter said
"It's fine dad, how are you holding up?" Noah asked
"I'm not." Carter said
"Dad you have to snap out of it, for the group, for me." Noah said
Carter looked at him and hugged him.
"I promise you I will protect you as long as I'm alive and I hope that by the time I die I would have taught you enough to keep you alive. Maybe we'll find another place and it might not end like the last one. Maybe when you get older you can have a family in the nice safe community. Here I go again making promises I can't keep." Carter said
"Dad I love you." Noah said
"I love you too, go back to bed in the morning we'll get moving again." Carter said
The sun came up and Carter woke everyone up.
"Let get going guys we gotta get somewhere. I think there's a town with a police station coming up soon." He said
He jumped in the driver seat and started the truck. Everyone got back in and Carter drove.
"You seem better today." Skylar said
"I have to if I mope around I might end up getting myself or one of you killed. I can't let that happen" Carter said
"Carter Daniel is back guys." Denis said
"You bet." Edge said
Wyatt rolled his eyes as they got off the exit for the town.
"See I told you." Carter said
They got out of the truck and walked to the police station doors.
"Time to get us some guns!" Wyatt shouted
"Shh. Not quite yet." Carter said
Carter knocked on the door.
"Why are you knocking?" Noah asked
"If any deadheads are in here they would come to the door." Carter said
Carter opened the door and the walked in and around the corner was seven deadheads.
"Nope nope go back!" Carter yelled
"Knock a little louder next time!" Skylar yelled
Carter looked back and noticed Wyatt with a pistol. He shot at the deadheads missing seven shots out of the eight round magazine.
The ran to a house across the street and shut the door and pushed a bookcase in front of it.
"Where'd you get the gun?!" Carter asked loudly
"Found it on the ground on the dead cops belt!" Wyatt yelled
"Why would you shoot a gun in a populated town!" Carter yelled at Wyatt
More and more deadheads piled against the house.
"Why would you lead us into a group a zeds!" Wyatt asked
"I thought it was clear!" Carter yelled back
"Why would you think knocking on the fucking door would solve all of our problems?!" Wyatt yelled
Carter walked over to Wyatt and slammed his hand that had the gun in it on a table causing Wyatt to drop it.
Wyatt punched Carter in the stomach, Carter fell to the ground a picked up the gun and aimed it at Wyatt.
"No ammo" Wyatt said
"One in the chamber." Carter said
"Ok guys simmer down your making the deadheads hungry." Skylar said
Denis came over and drug Wyatt away.
"Please tell me that takes 9mm." Edge said to Carter
"Yeah it does I believe. Why?" Carter asked
"Found some in the outdoor section of the store yesterday." Edge said
"Thanks man. I now know why you didn't trust that guy. I apologize for telling you otherwise. This is going to be an interesting week." Carter said
"Week?" Edge asked
"Thats probably only as long as he'll last" Carter said

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