Chapter 22

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Carter stood up on the box
"I've noticed a lack of gun use throughout the group. That could be a good thing but you guys need to at least keep them on you just in case the scenario comes when you may have to use them." Carter said
"Well I don't see you carrying around your rifle." Denis said
"That's because I'm using my beretta." Carter said pulling it out and showing it to Denis
"I carry my rifle when I need it. But I'm talking about pistols if you don't use one grab one from the locker room I mean we have plenty. But on another note we haven't seen Elliot maybe he got the message. Oh yeah guys and some news we might be getting walls, turns out Marcus is a engineer. He said he would help us design the wall and tell us what supplies to get and how to build it. Anyone that wants to help build the wall just ask Marcus what you need to do. I've also thought about have the wall be expanded out a block so people can spread out to the houses in the area and that would also include the park. It'll get people out of this school and we'd have a better place to gather." Carter said
"I don't know I kinda enjoy the gym." Lucy said
"Have you done this since you got here?" Marcus asked
"Well when we first got here I did it every now and again. But recently it has turned into an everyday thing, it seems to keep people happy so I keep doing it." Carter said
Carter hopped off the box and walked over to his room followed by Skylar.
"Are you excited to have this place to ourselves soon?" Carter whispered to Skylar while holding her
"What about Noah?" Skylar asked
"He can stay upstairs. I'm sure the kid would love to have the whole floor to himself." Carter said
"Well to answer your question: yes." Skylar said before kissing Carter
"Let's go kill some of the zeds outside." Marcus said to Noah
"Ok." Noah said pulling the gloves from his pocket and grabbing the bat
"Get a room." Denis said
"Ok." Carter said pushing the door open and walking in still kissing Skylar
"Remember what your dad said hard hits ok?" Marcus said
"Yep." Noah said
They lured a few zeds away from the windows.
Marcus stabbed one. Noah ran up and hit one with the bat killing it first try.
"I think I'm getting it now." Noah said
Noah ran up and hit another one killing it.
"Woohoo! Is it bad that I'm enjoying this?" Noah asked
"As long as you don't enjoy killing live people." Marcus said stabbing the last deadhead
"When dad wanted me to help kill the Horsemen I ran and hid. I was scared." Noah said
"I don't blame you." Marcus said
"I used to think it would be better if I stopped being scared but you have to be scared, don't let yourself forget that feeling because in this world it's just to easy to loose and that's when you become someone like Elliot and the Horsemen." Noah said
"I've never thought about it like that." Marcus said
"Anyway that's enough zombie slaying for one day I'm ready to head back in." Noah said
They headed back in.
"I see what you two have been doing. Might want to fix your hair." Noah said to Carter and Olivia laughing
"Well what do you and Marcus do out there?" Carter asked
"We cleared some zeds off the windows. Gotta keep this place intact until we build the walls." Marcus said
"Couldn't agree more." Carter said
"Carter when's the last time you checked on Edge?" Skylar asked
"I was just about to go do that, he was at the ,eating this morning but he didn't say much." Carter said
Carter went into Edge's room and he was looking at a picture of Sarah.
"How you holding up?" Carter said putting a hand on Edge's back
"I'm hanging in there man. You know you're the only person to come and check on me?" Edge said
"I always will man, remember I said I'll be there anything you need." Carter said
"I thank you for that. Also thanks for including Sarah in the meeting yesterday." Edge said
"Why wouldn't I? She was one of us, she will never be forgotten and as they say if a persons name lives on it's like they never died." Carter said
"Yeah. I can't keep this picture anymore. Do me a favor and burn it." Edge said handing Carter the picture.
"Anything for you, friend." Carter said
Carter walked out to where they were burning the dead zeds.
He looked down at the picture before throwing it in the fire.
"Thank you for being there for Olivia, this thing hit her hard and as soon as you met her you helped her through it. You may not have known it but she told me you were a bestfriend to her and she loved you." Carter said before throwing the picture in the fire.
Carter turned around and heard back into the school.

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