Chapter 45

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"You and your group are welcome to stay as long as you need." Dr. Hanson said
"Thanks doctor, Jake can you go out and get Marcus?" Carter asked
"Yes sir." Jake said
Jake went to get Marcus.
"So doc, are you the leader of this place?" Carter asked
"Yep started it myself, wanted to help people, and what a better way to do so then taking in people during this mess." Dr. Hanson said
"So how do you keep food for all the people here?" Carter asked
"Well my son, Tyler hunts. You've met him sadly." Dr Hanson said
"Yeah but a few deer every now and again is enough?" Skylar asked
"Yeah." Dr. Hanson said uncertainly
"Ok, doctor thanks for looking out for my son, when do you think he'll be back up and moving?" Carter asked
"Well the arrow didn't hit any organs so it looks like blood loss was the main issue, now that it's fixed just some heavy pain meds and maybe two weeks or so of rest." Dr. Hanson said
Jake walked up to the van and did the previously planned knock and there was no answer. He opened the door and didn't see Marcus but he saw Marcus's gun and his belt with his hatchet sheath. He got into the van and noticed a little bit of blood that was fresh.
"Shit." He said
Jake got in the van and drove it to the building and ran in to Carter
"Marcus is gone, his gun and machete are in the van and there's some blood, I think someone took him!" Jake said
"Shit." Carter said
"I'm gonna go look for him. I'll bring back any information I find." Jake said
"Wait a minute kid." Dr. Hanson said
He left the room and came back with two walkie talkies. He gave one to Jake and one to Carter.
"Thanks" Carter said
"Now you can give him info on the road!" Dr Hanson said
"Yeah thanks." Jake said
Jake walked out the door into the town.
Dr. Hanson walked past a couple guys and motioned them to come to his office. They walked in and Dr. Hanson shut the door.
"You took someone from their group?!" Dr. Hanson said
"How were we supposed to know he was in their group he was alone in a van." One guy said
"Find the kid and kill him, before he figures this place out. Mark look out for Bryson, he's still sorta new." Dr. Hanson said
"Ok" Mark said
"Will do sir." Bryson said
Bryson and Mark walked outside and saw Jake riding around the corner on his dirt bike. He went to the back of town shooting zeds as he went by them on his dirt bike. Bryson and Mark ended up catching up with Jake and ran into the house Jake was in.
Bryson out a gun to Jakes head.
"Who are you guys? Did you take Marcus?" Jake asked
"Maybe we did maybe we didn't." Bryson said
"Just shoot him, so we can get back to the boss." Mark said
"I don't wanna just shoo..." Bryson got out before Jake shot him in the head with his revolver
Jake ran low and took Marks legs out from under him before he could get his gun out. Jake was on top of Mark on the ground, Jake pulled the gun from Mark's holster and threw it across the room. Jake stood up and aimed his revolver at Mark.
"Who do you work for?!" Jake yelled
"You don't wanna know." Mark said
Jake got down and punched Mark in the face multiple times.
"Who is it?" Jake asked
"I'm telling you boy, you don't wanna know!" Mark yelled
Jake grabbed a lamp from the table next to them and bashed it on Mark's face.
Mark's face was bloody and his mouth was bleeding.
"You gonna fell me now?" Jake asked
"Don't trust anyone, they'll cut you up, and they'll...." Mark coughed out before choking to death on his blood
"Shit." Jake said
Jake shot Mark in the head.
"I need to get a bit of air." Carter said
"Ok hun, I'll stay with Noah." Skylar said
Carter kissed Skylar and walked outside.
He walked into the woods and noticed something etched on a tree.
"How could you let this happen to our boy?" It said
"What?" Carter said
Carter walked backwards away from the tree and bumped into another one. He turned around and saw
"I shouldn't have left." Etched into this tree
He sat up against the tree
He looked in the distance and saw what looked like Olivia staring at him. He quickly got up and ran in that direction, she walked behind a tree, and disappeared. He ran up to that tree and saw
"I thought you could protect him."
"I am!" He yelled into the sky
He walked out to the road and sat in a broken down car. He heard a voice coming from the speakers, curious he turned up the radio.
"Don't let this happen again, keep him safe. No matter the cost." The voice said
It was Olivia's voice
"Olivia!" Carter yelled
"I won't let it happen again, ever. Just come back talk to me." Carter said
Nothing Carter heard a dirt bike coming and he got out of the car, Jake stopped next to him.
"I was attacked by two guys they said 'not to trust anyone'" Jake said
"Probably just some crazies, are you ok?" Carter asked
"Yeah but why are you out here?" Jake asked
"I just Uh... needed some fresh air." Carter said

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