Chapter 24

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"Well with no sign of Elliot in about 4 days we can lower defenses a bit but still stay on guard. We have located a store with the supplies to build the wall. It's now a matter of getting the supplies here and starting the building process." Carter said
"That's it?"  Skylar asked
"What else am I supposed to say it's been going great as far as I'm concerned." Carter said
"Hello?"  A voice said from Carters radio
"Felix is that you?" Carter asked
"Yes sir it is." Felix said
"How have you and the Vikings been doing?" Carter asked
"After losing Axel we've kinda been down in the dumps. But we're finally at capacity I'm sending a group of at least 20 your way." Felix said
"10-4 on that. Any sighting of Elliot?" Carter asked
"No." Felix said
An hour later the people showed up and Carter introduced them to the group.
"Every single one of you gets a room upstairs to yourself or room with who you want but the upstairs is yours." Carter said
Everyone made them selves at home. Carter sat down int the gym next to Skylar.
"Car..." a voice said from Carter radio before going to static
"Did you hear that?" Carter asked Skylar looking at the radio.
"It sounded like someone said your name." Skylar said
"Hello?" Carter asked
"Ell...anning...tta..." the voice said
"You're cutting out." Carter said
"I'm not gonna make it Car...." the voice said cutting out again
"Who is this?" Carter asked
"It burns so..." the voice said
"What! Who are you?!" Carter yelled into the radio causing everyone to look at him.
"Kill Ell...iot.." the voice said
"Axel?" Carter asked
Carter listened to the radio a gunshot went off.
"I'm...coming." The voice said
"Everyone! Upstairs!" Carter said
Everyone ran up the stairs but the group.
"Get ready for the fight." Carter said
"Axel was alive he was on the radio, Elliot shot him." Carter said
"If he comes here we're gonna kill that son of a bitch." Edge said
"We're not, you are." Carter said loading a bullet into his rifle
"We've been attacked!" Felix yelled over the radio
"What! How many?" Carter asked
"10 dead at least 5 injured. They have a fighting force of over 30." Felix said
"Shit. Shit. Everyone get in good cover spots we're gonna need it." Carter said
"It was going so well!"  Skylar said
"Noah go into one of the classrooms and lock the door, don't come out no matter what you hear." Carter said
Noah ran to a room and shut the door.

"I lost a fight to these people once it's not happening again." Elliot said
Elliot lost his arm in the blast and burnt his face pretty bad.
"We can kill them we outnumber them by a lot." A soldier said
"But they can fight." Elliot said
"Shame we don't have bombs." A guy said
"I'm not messing with bombs again."  Elliot said
"How is it that they made it out unscathed and you didn't?" A guy asked
"They were out the door but the rest of the Arsenal weren't." Elliot said
"Remember the guy we shot? I killed his kid, I didn't mean to but I couldn't leave him out there dying and knowing his son is dead."  Elliot said

"Do you guys have a doctor?" Carter asked Felix.
"Yeah he's treating people right now." Felix said
"Are there still a lot of zeds in the city?" Carter asked
"Yeah why?" Felix asked
"That's how we end this. We bring the zeds this way and while their busy shooting at us the zeds can pick them off and we can kill the rest." Carter said to Felix
"Ok everyone remember keep Elliot alive." Carter said
Carter nodded toward Edge who nodded back.
"Why exactly are people coming after us?" Stewart asked
"They killed our friends now they want to kill us and we're gonna make damn sure that doesn't happen." Carter said

"I need a team willing to get a truck and lure a lot of zeds to the school." Felix asked of his people
He assembled a team and they headed out and attracted the zeds to their truck by hanging the dead tigers carcass off the back.
"Unfortunate." Felix said looking at the tiger
The were getting close to the school but so was the Horsemen the new Horsemen.

Six trucks pulled up in front of the school and men jumped out of them.
"Shoot the place." Elliot said


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