Chapter 3

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They drove down the road with Edge in front on his motorcycle and Carter and his family in his truck right behind him.
"Dad have you watched any zombie movies? You can't trust anyone!" Noah said
"This man brought me back to you guys, if he wanted to do something he would have done it when he found you." Carter said
"See if you can get anything on the radio." Olivia said
Carter tuned the radio and they heard something so he stopped, it was nothing but the emergency broadcasting system saying the same thing they've heard over and over.
"Noah I know you're 13 and you are strong but you have to remember that this isn't the movies, I don't know what to expect but this is real and you need to remember that." Carter said
"I understand dad" Noah said
"Hopefully we can just wait at Edges vacation house until this all blows over." Carter said
They eventually pulled into a dirt road and drove for a bit longer then they arrived at the house. Carters family got out of the truck and walked over to Edge.
"Nice place you got here." Carter said
"Thanks" Edge said
"It's definitely far from civilization" Carter said
"Yeah but there's no food, we may have to go out on a run." Edge said
"Ok we can do that" Carter said with a bit of hesitation in his voice
"I think there is a walmart about 2 miles out." Edge said
"That'll work." Carter said
They walked in and grabbed a few duffle bags.
"Dad are you leaving?" Noah asked
"Yea but just to get supplies, I need you to stay here and take care of you mom for me." Carter said
"Ok I'll do it" Noah said
They drove to the Walmart and noticed a whole crowd of deadheads in front of the door looking at something on the roof.
"I see two people on the roof, looks like a guy and a girl." Edge said
"Well now were not gonna be able to get in are we?" Carter said sarcastically
"We gotta help them!" Edge said
"Yeah!" Carter said
They drove around.
"One of you keep the deadheads out front!" Carter yelled to the people in the roof.
"Do you have a ladder!" Edge yelled
"In the loading dock!" The man yelled
"Just wait until we get down I'm gonna kill these idiots." The man said to the woman quietly
"Why they're helping us." The girl said
"If you say anything I'll kill you to." He said
Carter and Edge arrived outside of the loading dock.
"You stay out here and kill the deadheads I'm gonna go get the ladder." Carter said
Carter ran inside the loading dock. The loading dock was filled with deadheads, a lot of them. Carter thought about it for a second then he had an idea. He snuck by most of the deadheads, but then he accidentally kicked a can. All of the deadheads turned around and started walking towards him. "Shit." He said just before he ran and grabbed the ladder. He ran out the door and shut it behind him. He turned back around to see a deadhead on top of Edge. He ran over and used the ladder to knock the zeds head off.
"Thanks" Edge said before getting up. The ran over to the building and put the ladder, the girl came down first. She ran to Carter "He's gonna attack you!" She yelled. The man climbed down the ladder "What did I tell you bitch?" He said. He hopped off the ladder, turned around, and pulled out a machete.
"Come on man, the military has to be coming soon. They'll save us, it's not a kill or be killed situation. We're you friends." Carter said
"Bullshit, no ones coming to save us, or should I say me." He said
He ran at Carter and Edge jumped at him with his knife and stabbed him in the eye. The man fell to the ground screaming.
"Come on guys, let the deadheads deal with him" Carter said as they got in the truck.
"Deadheads?" The girl asked
"It's what I decided to call them, saying zombies just didn't seem right." Carter said
"Fair enough." She said
"I didn't quite catch your name?" Carter said
"Sarah" she said
"I'm Carter and this is Edge, I'll introduce you to everyone else when we get the the cabin." Carter said

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