Chapter 7

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***3 Months later***
Carter woke up to the sound of his alarm. He took a shower and grabbed his gun.
"Bye honey." He said to Olivia before walking out the door
Carter walked our the door he waved at his other neighbor Matt then he walked into Edges house.
"Hello?" He yelled no one answered
"Bet they're still asleep." Carter said to himself
He walked upstairs to Edge and Sarah's room. He opened the door and saw them laying in bed he walked over to Edge and shook him.
"Wake up we gotta go on a run." Carter said
"Really it's Monday again?" Edge said tiredly
Sarah rolled over "Oh hey Carter." She said tiredly
"I'll be down in a minute, make sure the others don't leave without us." Edge said
Carter walked outside and headed for the front gate. He waved to everyone he knew and walked past Wayne.
"Good luck Carter!" Wayne said
"Thanks Wayne!" Carter replied
Carter walked over to the other three people next to the truck.
"Where's Edge?" Skylar asked
Skylar was the only girl on the run team along with Denis, and Wyatt.
"He overslept, he'll be here any second now." Carter said
"He's always late on Monday's." Wyatt said
"Maybe he's not a Monday person." Denis said
"Won't you ladies shut up and get in the truck." Skylar said
"Gosh I love you." Wyatt said
"In you dreams little man." Skylar said
"She told you." Carter said before getting in the driver seat of the truck.
Edge came running up and got in the back.
"Bout' time." Denis said
"Sorry." Edge said
They drove out of the safe zone. The kept driving to a small town just outside of Denver.
"Maybe one day guys but we're not quite ready to go into the big city." Carter said
"Well this little town ought to have something to offer." Skylar said
They got out of the truck.
"Ok guys how about we go over to that grocery store." Carter said pointing toward a grocery store.
"Sound good to me." Wyatt said
"Guys I don't know if I just haven't got used to it yet, but do you guys still hate the smell?" Edge said
"Yes" Wyatt said
"There's nothing like the smell of decaying bodies on a Monday morning." Skylar said
"Gosh I love you." Carter said
"Is this seriously going to be a joke now?" Skylar asked
"Plus Carter you better watch it you're married." Denis said
"Good point." Carter said
They walked to the grocery store, Skylar pulled out her crow bar, Carter had a machete, Edge had a hatchet, Denis had a Bowie knife, and Wyatt had a metal bat.
"Ok guys don't die." Carter said opening the door.
"Thanks for the advice." Skylar said
They all went in and grabbed stuff off the shelves. Skylar wacked a deadhead with her crow bar, Carter killed two with his machete. Edge swung at ones head with the hatchet but missed and the deadhead fell toward him, he pushed it away and Wyatt came and bashed its head in.
"You gotta work on your aim old man." Wyatt said
Edge ignored him and kept on grabbing.
Edge walked over to Carter.
"Is Wayne ever gonna give us our guns back?" Edge asked
"He thinks this is quieter and keeps us from dying. Guns apparently inadvertently lead deadheads back to the safe zone." Carter said
"Have these people ever even fired a gun?" Edge asked
"I don't know." Carter said
"If Wyatt hasn't we don't teach him. I just don't trust him." Edge said
"Even after three months?" Carter asked
"No." Edge said
"I think he's fine." Carter said
"Maybe that's your problem, you trust people to easily." Edge said
"Woah where did that come from?! Maybe you just don't trust people enough." Carter said
"Sorry, I snapped." Edge said
"Let's keep searching." Carter said
They searched and Carter walked over to Skylar.
"I have a strange question for you." Carter said
"No Carter you're married." Skylar said
"Nothing like that. I was just wondering if you knew how to shoot a gun?" Carter asked
"No I got to the safe zone early and I've been on the run team since I got there. For some reason Wayne thinks shooting guns..." Skylar said before getting cut off by Carter
"Inadvertently leads dead ones to the safe zone blah blah blah. Anyway thanks for the talk I was just wondering though." Carter said
They all headed back to the truck and showed off the goods they got. Decent amount of food, good amount of medicine from the pharmacy, and a jug of water from the top of the water machine in the break room.
"What's up with the school?" Denis asked
"I don't know it looks almost untouched." Carter said
They walked over to the school and wiped off the windows and peered in.
"It is untouched." Wyatt said
"Lets go in." Skylar said bringing back her crow bar about to break the window.
"No let's not." Carter said grabbing the crowbar
"Why the hell not?" Wyatt asked
"There's really nothing in there we need. May as well not mess it up just incase someone needs to take shelter in there." Carter said
Wyatt looked at Carter with that classic I'm mad at you glare and they headed back to the truck.
"Pretty good haul for the day, we can come back tomorrow and get some more." Edge said
"Sounds good." Carter said they drove back to the Safezone.
As they pulled up they noticed a lot of deadheads around the gate.
"That's a lot around the gate." Edge said
"Holy shit pull up a bit Carter. I think the fucking gate is open!" Skylar yelled
Carter pulled up and she was right the gate was wide open and the safezone was filled with deadheads.
"No... no." Carter said
"Carter! Drive in we gotta see what happened!" Wyatt said
"Ok guys get you stuff, Edge get Sarah, and I'll get Noah and Olivia and we meet back at the truck in 5 minutes." Carter said
He hit the gas and plowed over a few deadheads and stopped in the middle of the safezone.
"Help who you can but we gotta go!" Carter said as they got out
Carter slashed through the deadheads making a path to the school. He knocked on the door frantically.
"It's dad!" Noah said
"Open the door!" Olivia said
Carter was slashing the deadheads that got to close to him and he fell through the door.
He got up and looked around.
"Where is everyone?" Carter asked
"They ran home when the gate broke." Olivia said
"Why didn't you guys?" Carter asked
"We figured this place was tougher and you would look for us here." Noah said
"Ok we gotta go!" Carter said
"Where?" Olivia asked

Edge banged on the door of his house. Sarah fumbled with the locks, she opened the door and pulled Edge in and kissed him.
"I knew you'd find me." Sarah said
"Why wouldn't I?" Edge said
"I mean we're just friends, really close friends." Sarah said
"Face it we're more than friends especially after that kiss." Edge said
"If I would have known we were more than friends maybe we woulda you know." Sarah said winking
"No time for that now we gotta go." Edge said
They ran out the door and Edge took down the deadheads in front making a path to the back door of the truck.
They jumped in and looked and saw Skylar in the front and Dennis and Wyatt in the back.
"It's gonna be tight when Carter, Olivia and Noah get here." Skylar said
"I'll sit on you lap Edge." Sarah said
Skylar looked at Sarah with a weird look.
Gun shots started coming from the guard stand.

"There's a truck in the middle." Carter said answering Olivia's question
Noah grabbed his back and took the back of the group while Olivia was in the middle. They ran out Carter was slashing deadheads at the front and Noah was whacking them from the back. Carter looked over and noticed Edge and Sarah fighting through the horde.
"Sarah and Edge are gonna make it." Carter said
Gun shots started coming from the guard tower.
"Guys watch yourselves their shooting into the horde." Carter said
Gun shots and deadheads were all around them.
"Carter!" Olivia yelled
Carter turned around and saw her on the ground with a gunshot wound in her leg.
He started slashing the deadheads around her.
"Carter go! Protect Noah." Olivia said
"I'm not leaving you!" Carter yelled
Carter and Noah fought the deadheads but one got through. It bit into Olivia's neck shooting blood all over the place.
"Mom!" Noah yelled in agony
"No!" Carter yelled
"Noah we gotta go!" Carter yelled with tears in his eyes.
"No! I won't leave her!" Noah said crying
"We can't save her!" Carter said
He killed a few more deadheads to save some time.
Carter drug Noah away from his mom. Carter looked back one last time to see her being ripped to shreds.
"I love you...." Carter said silently
They got to the truck and Carter out Noah in the back and he jumped in the front.
"Where's Olivia?" Edge asked
"Him..." Carter said looking toward the guard tower where the guy was still shooting.
Carter started the truck and put it in gear. He aimed it at the guard tower and held it full throttle. "You're insane!" Wyatt yelled. They rammed into the tower and it collapsed onto the truck. Carter backed out of the rubble and saw the guy laying on top of it. Two deadheads walked over to him and ate him. Carter drove the truck out of the safezone and got a fair distance away. He pulled over and laid his head on the steering wheel and cried.
"Carter what happened?" Skylar asked
Noah was in the back still crying his eyes out.
"The guard was shooting into the horde and he shot her." Carter said
"It was an accident you didn't have to kill him." Wyatt said
"Shut up!" Dennis said
Sarah started crying.
"Let me drive Carter we can't stay here." Skylar said
They switched spots.
"Now where to boys?" Skylar asked
"Far from here." Carter said

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