Chapter 2

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"What are we going to do!" Olivia yells
"We're going to pack what we can carry and leave before sun down" Carter said
Carter ran and grabbed a duffel bag and filled it with various canned food and medical supplies. He put the strap on his shoulder and opened his closet and grabbed his 12 gauge shotgun and tied some shoestrings to it and pit it on his shoulder. He put on some cargo pants and put his police belt on with his gun in the holster. He went down in to the living room and talked with Olivia then Noah came down the steps with his backpack on that he filled with food and a canteen he got last Christmas. He had his baseball bat still in his hand as he got to the couch where we were sitting.
"Ok everyone lets go" Carter said heading to the door
Olivia ran over and grabbed Carter's shoulder
"Where exactly are we going?"
"I don't know" Carter said as he opened the door
They walked outside and got into Carter's truck and drover out of town. As they were driving Carter noticed the truck was almost out of gas.
"Shit I forgot to fill it up yesterday." Carter said
They drove for a little longer and the truck died and Carter pulled over to the side of the road.
"Oh no!" Olivia yelled
"It's ok I think there is a gas station about a mile from here I'll just walk up get a gas can fill it up and come back, easy peasy." Carter said. Noah shot Carter a scared look and then looked back to his book.
"Ok Noah I've taught you to shoot before so I'm gonna leave my pistol here and if you see one of those things aim for the head." Carter said as he laid his pistol down. He grabbed the shotgun from the backseat and got out. He leaned in and kissed Olivia and Noah goodbye. He shut the door and Noah locked it. Carter walked down the road for about 30 minutes then the noticed a gas station he took off running in the direction of the gas station. When he got there he walked in, he noticed that there was no one behind the front desk. He walked around and seen a blood stain but no one there, just then he heard a noise behind a shelf he walked over to investigate and a deadhead fell out of the aisle and made him fall. He scooted back up against the desk and pulled out the shotgun the deadhead slowly crawled over. Carter took aim and blew the deadheads head off blood splashed his face and went in his mouth. When he got back up he heard a loud roar of various moans coming from different aisles. The deadheads poured of the aisles Carter ran out the door and shut it and leaned against it. One of the deadheads broke the glass, Carter ran back as the deadheads poured out the door he aimed his shotgun and one by one killed about six deadheads. Carter took a second to breath before getting a gas can and filling it up. He started walking back but then to his surprise he heard a motorcycle he stared down the road and noticed the outline of the motorcycle. As it got closer he could see the man he had a tough build scruffy beard with slicked back hair and a tan jacket. The man stopped next to Carter.
"Is that you family back there?" The man asked
"Yes it is" Carter said
"You need a ride back?" He ask
"Yea sure" Carter said as he hopped on the motorcycle and the man drove back to his truck.
"Thank you for the ride, I didn't quite catch your name" Carter said
"The names Ed Thompson but you can call me Edge" he said
"Well Edge if you would like to come with us you're more than welcome" Carter said
"Where are you headed?" Edge asked
"We didn't quite know yet but if you have any ideas." Carter said
"I was headed out to my vacation house out in the woods close to Colorado Springs." Edge said
"Well do you mind if we tag along?" Carter asked while filling the truck with fuel.
"I don't mind one bit it'll be better to have company anyway." Edge said

The Dead RiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora