Chapter 9

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Carter woke up before everyone else and walked over to the back door. He opened up the door and ran around the side of the house back into the police station, he walked in and slashed a few deadheads and headed to the storage room. He opened the door and to his amazement most of the weapons were still around. He grabbed a .308 hunting rifle and ammo, he also grabbed a shotgun for Edge. He grabbed a few little pistols for the rest of the gang before he headed out the door. He managed to sneak in without the alerting the deadheads out front.
"Christmas came early boys and girls!" Carter said waking everyone up
"Where'd you get those?" Edge asked
"Police station." Carter said
"How'd you get over there?" Noah asked
"Ninja-like movements." Carter said
He gave everyone their weapons and they sat down to eat some of the food they had.
"We need to get of here." Skyler said
"I agree." Denis said
"Hopefully Carter doesn't lead us to another death trap." Wyatt said
"Well lucky for you my death trap gave us weapons." Carter said
"Gave you weapons." Wyatt said
"Maybe if you wouldn't have aimed a gun at me you would have one." Carter said
"Ok boys again simmer down, where are we gonna go boss?" Skylar asked
"Away from here maybe toward Denver." Carter said
"That place is a death trap!" Wyatt said
"We don't know that!" Carter yelled
"Ok calm down we'll give it a shot." Edge said
"Glad someone is thinking smart." Carter said
They got in the truck and headed toward Denver.
"Do you think the military is ever going to come?" Noah asked
"Probably not." Skylar said
Carter looked back at Noah and his eyes teared up.
"Dad are you crying." Noah asked
Carter let go of the wheels and the truck veered off the road and hit a fence.
"Carter are you ok." Skylar asked
Carter had his head on the wheel crying.
"What's wrong." Noah asked
"I can't stop thinking about her." Carter said
"Seriously man, why are we letting this basket case drive! He's crazy all love torn, he's going to get us all killed!" Wyatt yelled
"Fuck... you." Carter said
"Yeah screw you that's my dad your talking about!" Noah yelled
"Kid shut up no one asked you!" Wyatt yelled
"You have no clue what it's like to lose someone you really love, you know why? Because you've never loved anyone you loved your life between women, you left your parents. Yeah Wayne told me all about you. People like you aren't supposed to make it this far the only reason you have is because of Wayne, and me."  Carter said to Wyatt
Wyatt got out of the truck and pulled out Carter.
"You think you've kept me alive? I have saved your ass from the dead multiple times on runs, you've done nothing but put us in danger!" Wyatt yelled
"I've done what I think is right to keep this group alive. You think I'm that lost, any of you. Go on leave maybe I'm just not fit to lead you. How about you leave and have Wyatt lead you. If you think you'd be better off then just go!" Carter yelled to the group everyone just sat looking at him.
"Oh no takers, see Wyatt you are the only fucking person who thinks the decisions I make are wrong!" Carter said
"Well then I'll leave on my own." Wyatt said
"Good, but don't come crawling back to me." Carter said
Wyatt walked away Carter got back in the truck.
"Are you sure you can drive." Skylar said
"There's got to be a way out of all of this. Maybe another safe zone maybe a military camp, something...anything." Carter said
Carter started the truck and headed toward Denver. They stopped for the night at an abandoned gas station they laid out their sleeping bags and went to sleep got the night. Carter was laying there with his arm around Noah and Skylar was beside of him. Skylar scooted closer to Carter and put her arm around him.
"Don't." Carter said
He threw her arm off and went back to sleep they woke up the next morning and Carter pulled Skylar back.
"Please don't, I'm not ready." Carter said
"Carter your love is not gone. She will be there with you no matter what and so will I, anytime you need me I'm here." Skylar said
She kissed him on the cheek and Noah walked in
"Dad." He said before running back out
Carter ran out to Noah.
"You got over her that quick." Noah said with his eyes watering
"No it wasn't that, I don't like Skylar in that way she's just a friend." Carter said
"Yeah Noah it was a friendly peck like this." Skylar said kissing Noah on the cheek
Noah blushed and they got back in the truck to continue the journey.

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