Chapter 31

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Carter and Noah did what the guy said and dropped their weapons.
"Ok good." The guy said
"We only have blankets and jackets." Carter said
"You have that jacket." The guy said
"You can't take his jacket." Noah said
"Shut up kid I can take what I want." The guy said pushing Noah down.
"Don't you touch him!" Carter yelled jumping at the guy.
"I'll do what I want to him!" The guy yelled knocking Carter out.
"It's just me and you now boy." The man said walking toward Noah.
Noah got up and looked behind the guy and saw his bat.
"Ok." Noah said taking his jacket off.
"Ohh." The man said
Noah walked closer to the guy when he got close he pushed the guy over and grabbed his baseball bat hitting the man over the head.
The guy fell down still conscious.
"I like a fighter." The man said
Noah walked closer to him and lifted the bat above his head.
"Shut up, fucking creep." Noah said
Noah brought down the bat on the guys head once. He brought it back up and brought it back down again. He continued until the mans head was mostly mush on the ground. He looked down realizing he had just killed a living person, a bad one but a loving one none the less. He sat down next to Carter who was still unconscious.
"I finally did it, it was hard but it's done." Noah said
Carter woke up about five minutes later.
"Noah, did you kill him?" Carter asked
"I don't want to talk about hit." Noah said sticking out his hand and helping his dad up.
Carter looked back at the body and almost vomited.
"Did he touch you?" Carter asked
"No." Noah said
"Why is your jacket off then?" Carter asked
"I had to play along and get the jump on him." Noah said
Carter and Noah walked back to Thornton not saying much. They got to the gate and Carter did the special knock and it opened.
"Thanks Edge." Carter said walking in
"We brought blankets." Noah said
"Good." Edge said
Noah handed the blankets to Carter except for one.
"I'm gonna take this to Grace." Noah said
"Ok." Carter said
Noah walked over to Zoe and Graces house he knocked on the door.
"Is Grace upstairs?" Noah asked Zoe
"Yeah come on in." Zoe said
Noah walked upstairs and knocked on Graces door.
"Who is it?" Grace asked
"It's Noah." Noah said
"Come on in." Grace said
Noah walked in and sat next to Grace on the bed.
"How was the trip?" Grace asked
"It was ok." Noah said
"No, you seem really sad did something happen?" Grace asked
"I had to do something I wish I wouldn't have." Noah said
"What?" Grace asked
"I killed a man." Noah said
Grace scooted away from Noah.
"Why?" She asked
"He knocked dad out and was gonna rape me, I acted like I was going with it, I grabbed my bat, and then.." Noah said closing his eyes a tear falling out.
"It's ok you don't have to talk about it." Grace said getting close to Noah
Noah opened his eyes and out his arm around Grace.
"Listen Grace, I really like you. I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship yet. I mean I can't handle loosing you now let alone if we were dating." Noah said
"I like you too Noah, and trust me you won't have to worry about loosing me anytime soon." Grace said
Noah and Grace leaned in and kissed.
"You know that's my first kiss." Noah said
"I figured being a baseball player you'd have all the girls, not to mention your good at kissing." Grace said
"Well thank you." Noah said kissing her again
"Noah!" Zoe yelled from down stairs
"Well I guess it's time for me to go, I'll see you later." Noah said
"See ya, Noah." Grace said
Noah walked out of the house to Carter.
"Do you need something dad?" Noah asked
"I just wanted to know how your feeling after you know?" Carter asked
"I don't want to think about that, but I sealed the deal with Grace we are definitely a thing now." Noah said
"Nice." Carter said high fiving Noah.
Carter walked into the school.
"How are you feeling?" Carter asked Lucy
"I'm fine for now but soon I may need to get to the doctor at the aquarium." Lucy said
"Ok." Carter said pulling out the walkie
"Felix are you on here?" Carter asked
"Yeah. What do you need?" Felix asked
"Be expecting a visit from us in the next few days." Carter said
"Ok is it about the pregnant lady, because the doc has been pulling out his baby supplies." Felix said
"Yes and good." Carter said
"I got stuff to attend to Carter nice talking." Felix said
"Ok see ya around." Carter said
"So how's life?" Stewart asked Marcus
"Uhh about as good as it could be in the apocalypse I guess." Marcus said
"This wall that you built is pretty impressive." Stewart said
"Thank you, it wasn't just me though everyone helped." Marcus said
"Good point." Stewart said
"Hey Edge, hey Jim." Carter said walking by
Carter stopped and walked back to them.
"Say Jim can I talk to you for a second?" Carter asked
"Sure" Jim said walking to the corner with Carter
"I noticed the mirror in the locker room was broken, I asked around and some said they saw you walk in followed by some cursing are you ok?" Carter asked
"I think, it's just everything that's happening, we've been killing people Carter. There's got to be another way next time." Jim said
"Jim there is no alternative if there is a next time it'll be the same situation we kill them or they kill us." Carter said
"Well in that case we're already dead." Jim said walking away
That night everyone went to sleep but Jim, he woke up grabbed a knife, a gun, and a backpack full of food. He walked out the front gates toward the east coast.

The Dead RiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora