Chapter 37

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"Listen here Carter, you see this man in front of me?" Dalton asked
"Yeah" Carter said the truck hit a bump and caused him to hit his head
"Well today is his birthday. He wants to bust a piñata for his birthday. Do you have any idea where we could get one?" Dalton asked
"Nope" Carter said
"Oh that sucks. I guess you'll have to be our piñata." Dalton said
"What?" Carter asked
The truck stopped in the woods next to a tree. Dalton threw Carter out onto the ground. Another guy tied Carters hands behind his back. Dalton jumped out of the truck.
"Carter I don't know why you think you can lie to me!" Dalton yelled kicking Carter
Carter groaned in pain
"You think that hurt just you wait." Andrea said
"Sylvester here is gonna work on ya a little." Dalton said
"Let's see if we can get this guy bleeding. You have any tools Casper?" Sylvester asked
"I have a hatchet." Casper said
"Let me see that hatchet." Sylvester said
Sylvester hit Carter in the leg just hard enough to bring blood.
"You said you were thirsty?" Dalton asked Andrea
"You bet." Andrea said
"Well drink up. I mean it's a birthday party enjoy." Dalton said
Andrea kneeled down to the wound and started drinking the blood that was flowing out of Carter leg.
"You're all fucking crazy!" Carter yelled in pain
Dalton kicked Carter in the side again. Carter groaned in pain.
"Bandage him up, I don't want him to bleed out." Dalton said
Sylvester poked Carter on the back with a bat.
"Sir I now ask that you get on your feet." Sylvester said
"I can barely stand." Carter said in pain getting up
"Come over to this tree with me." Sylvester said
Carter followed him to the tree.
"Who has the rope?" Sylvester asked
"I got it. Man this is gonna be a good birthday!" Casper said
"I'm hungry." Andrea said
"Eat one of your fucking friends here they seem to be okay with it." Carter said
Dalton kicked Carter in the knee causing him to fall he got back up.
"I could use this bat to bash your brains in right now if you keeping talking out of line like that." Dalton said
"Fuck you!" Carter yelled
Casper tied the rope around Carters wait and ties the other end to the tree.
"Now that he's tied up." Dalton said
Dalton hit Carter in the side of the face with the bat. Carters face was now bleeding.
"Why don't you start singing happy birthday to Casper while I'm hoisting you up in the air here." Sylvester said
Sylvester pulled the rope causing Carter to start moving up.
"Happy birthday to you.." Carter sang as he was hoisted higher
"Hap..happy birthday to you.." Carter kept singing as he was now four feet in the air
"Hap...happ...happy birthday dear.. Casper..." Carter sang as the he stopped at five feet
"Happy birthday to you..." Carter sang that last lyrics
"Ok Casper he's all yours." Sylvester said
"Should I hit the legs, stomach, or chest?" Casper asked
"Nothing would be good." Carter said as he coughed up blood
Casper swings that bat and misses.
Casper swings again and hits Carter in the ankles.
"Argh Fuck!" Carter yelled
Casper swings again hitting Carter calf
"Dammit!" Carter yells
Casper swings again and hits Carters left knee.
"Ahh!" Carter yells in pain
Sylvester culls the rope and puts Carter at seven feet. Carter passed out. Sylvester then raised him to ten feet. Carter woke up to Dalton holding a "cake" made from human flesh. Andrea takes a slice me starts eating it. Sylvester let the rope go and Carter fell ten feet landing. Carter couldn't move his arm.
"I think he's ready for cake." Dalton said
"Yeah I would agree." Andrea said
"You see this cake made from humans, I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this cake literally." Dalton said
"No!" Carter yelled
Sylvester opens Carter mouth and Dalton shoves the cake in and Carter chews.
"Tastes great doesn't it?" Dalton asked
"Tastes like fucking shit!" Carter yelled
"Thank you, you're a good little piñata." Dalton said rubbing Carters hair.
Carter spit on the ground.
"Now have you learned not to lie?" Dalton asked
"Fuck you!" Carter said spitting in Daltons face
"Ok." Dalton said kicking Carters left knee breaking it.
Carter fell to the ground screaming.
"This is what you wanted! Hold him down!" Dalton yelled
Dalton pulled out his switchblade and went to Carters face. He took the knife and wedged it under Carters eye. Carter screamed, Dalton pulled the knife up and Carters eye popped out and fell to the ground. Blood spurted out of the socket and all over Daltons face.
"Let's go!" Dalton yelled
They all climbed in their trucks and left leaving Carter in the woods with a broken leg, broken arm, and missing eye.

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