Chapter 39

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Carter woke up gasping for air, he tried to move his arms but he felt intense pain. He noticed his vision was weird, he went to rub his eye with the non broken arm but there was no eye to rub.
"Oh fuck, no." Carter whispered to himself
He tried to get up but fell back down remembering the broken knee. He crawled over to a stick on the ground and made a splint out of the rope the clowns left and the stick. He pulled himself up using the tree.

Noah tapped Jake on the shoulder making him stop the motorcycle.
"I think we should go back and look for my dad now. Surely Skylar has already made it back." Noah said
"Ok we can do that." Jake said
Jake turned the bike around and headed back to those woods that he was originally in. They drove through the woods when Jake saw tire tracks.
"Does that look like the tires from the truck they took your dad in?" Jake asked
"Yeah it does, follow them!" Noah said
They followed the trail to a tree and sitting up against that tree was Carter passed out. Noah jumped off the bike and ran over to Carter.
"Dad!?" He yelled
No response. Noah noticed he was missing an eye.
"Dad what happened to your eye?" Noah asked
Still no response
"Dad!?" Noah yelled gently tapping him on the face.
Still no answer so Noah started violently shaking him.
"Noah." Jake said
"No he's still alive I know it!" Noah yelled
Then Carter opened his eye.
"Noah?" He whispered
"Yeah dad it's me I'm here, this is my friend Jake he's gonna go get help. I'm gonna stay right here." Noah said
"Thank you." He whispered again
"Jake, go get the others have some of them bring a truck." Noah said
"Ok will do." Jake said revving up the bike and driving off.

"I don't know how I lost him he must of snuck off." Skylar said
"Well he'll come back sometime soon, he knows what he's doing out there he learned from the best." Edge said
They heard the sound of a 2 stroke dirtbike coming toward the gates. Edge ran over and opened it and Jake drove in and slid the bike to a stop.
"No time to explain, me and Noah found Carter. We need a truck and a few guys to come and get him." Jake said
"Oh thank god!" Skylar yelled
Edge ran and got into the truck along with Marcus and they followed Jake out of the gate,
They drove to the tree and saw Noah and Carter sitting there talking.
"Holy shit man what happened to your eye?" Edge asked
"I don't know." Carter said speaking a bit louder now.
They picked him up and put him in the back of the truck Noah rode back there with him.
They arrived back in the safe zone and they took him into the school and out him on a bed. Skylar bandaged him up and put splints on his broken arm and leg. She also covered his eye with a white cloth. Noah walked back outside to Jake who was working on his motorcycle.
"Thank you." Noah said patting him on the back
"Anytime." Jake said
"You're welcome to stay if you want, I'll even share my room in the school." He said
"Don't tell anyone else but took the most comfortable beds." Noah whispered
Jake smiled
"Yeah I think I'll take you up on that offer." Jake said
"So what kind of bike is this?" Noah asked
"Yamaha yz125." Jake said
"So did you have it before this whole thing or did u find it." Noah asked
"It was my dads." He said looking down at the ground
"Oh man I'm sorry to bring it up." Noah said
"It's.. its fine." Jake said looking back at what he was doing.
"Noah can I talk to you?" Edge asked coming out of nowhere
"Yeah sure, you scared me though don't do that." Noah said
They walked away from Jake.
"Do you trust him?" Edge asked
"Of course I do he helped me find my dad." Noah said
"I mean he looks like he's had a rough life that leather riding jacket was black and white at one point now it's black and red. And the machetes on the handles." Edge said
"Well he's been alone the whole time, at least he has survived that all that counts anymore right?" Noah asked
"It's also how you survive, but if you think he's good people than so do I." Edge said
Noah looked over at Jake and looked back at Edge.
"He's good people." Noah said walking over to Graces house
"Guess who's back?!" He yelled when he walked in
Grace ran down the stairs and hugged and kissed Noah.
"Let me introduce you to the new guy." Noah said holding her hand and walking to Jake.
"Jake Grace, Grace Jake." Noah said
"Nice to meet you." He said and then went back to what he was doing
Noah and Grace walked back over to her house.
"If I was him I would have gotten googly eyes you're probably the first girl he's seen in a year or so." Noah said
"Well I'm glad he didn't because I'm all yours." Grace said kissing Noah and walking back inside.

**Next day**
"How are you feeling?" Skylar asked Carter
"Better, do we have a wheel chair?" Carter asked
"Actually we do from the nurses office." Skylar said
She got the wheel chair and rolled Carter out for a town meeting.
"What we are facing here today, what I witnessed first hand is pure evil. People like that are why this world is what it is. People like us want to change that but we are weakened by our man power, by our will to fight. We need to start training , learning, we need to win this fight. Not just for us but for our children, for our future, if we wanna make this world livable again we need to put a stop to the evil that plagues it. We start with them then we clear out the dead heads, create a larger community and expand our walls. Then we take in new people and create that large safe zone we all dream of away from those things, and the people. So do what he tells you, make him think he's winning but people like that don't win, and we will prove that." Carter said

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