Chapter 4

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"This is my wife Olivia and my son Noah" Carter said introducing everyone to Sarah
"Hi I'm Sarah nice to meet you two." Sarah said shaking their hands
"Carter can I talk to you for a moment?" Olivia asked
"Yeah sure honey" Carter said
Carter and Olivia walked into the other room.
"Who is she?" Olivia asked
"We found her on top of the walmart, she had a friend but he didn't make it." Carter said trying to hide the murder that happened.
"Is she safe?" Olivia asked
"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't she be?" Carter asked
"I know you said it isn't gonna be like the movies, but you know how media effects people. There are gonna be people, crazy people, who act like the people in the movies." Olivia said
"She's safe just calm down, if I thought she was dangerous I wouldn't have brought her back, for Noah, for you." Carter said
"Ok I trust you judgement. I love you." Olivia said
"I love you too" Carter said before kissing Olivia and walking back to everyone.
"We need to go back out. We didn't get much." Carter said
"Yeah we'll go out tomorrow." Edge said
"I wanna go with you." Sarah said
"What." Edge said
"I gotta earn my keep." Sarah said
"No you don't have to" Carter said
"Yes I do, I won't feel right if I don't." Sarah said
That night was... calm so to say a fire was burning in the fireplace every now and again Edge would get up and poke it, Carter slept close to his family, Sarah had her own spot close to Edge. Edge and Sarah talked back and forth about little things as the night went on. The morning came and Edge had fixed some eggs on his gas stove and served them to everyone.
"You guys ready?" Edge asked
"Yeah" Carter and Sarah said
"Ok let's roll out." Edge said walking out the door
"Bye honey" Carter said kissing Olivia
"Bye dad" Noah said
"Bye" Carter said hugging Noah
Edge, Carter, and Sarah got in edges truck and headed to a close strip mall.
"Here it is, and it looks pretty untouched." Edge said
"Pharmacy and grocery store!" Carter said
"Looks like we might just be good for awhile." Sarah said
They walked to the store entrance and noticed a deadhead in the immediate hallway.
"I got it." Sarah said
She ran in and pulled out her knife and put it on the deadheads skull.
"Damn." Edge said
"Girls got skill." Carter said
They walked on behind her putting canned food and other useful supplies into their bags. As they were walking Carter heard a noise.
"Sarah stop." He said
Just then a deadhead fell out from around a corner and pushed her to the ground. She screamed and Carter ran over and kicked the deadhead off of her. The deadhead fell to the ground and he stabbed his knife into its head.
"Thanks" Sarah said
"Anytime." Carter said out of breath.
They finished scavenging the store finding canned food and survival supplies. Then they headed into the pharmacy.
"Painkillers, antibiotics, and anything else that looks important." Carter said
They scavenged the pharmacy and went back out to the truck, put everything in it, and left. When they got back Noah was hitting a sandbag nailed to a tree with his baseball bat and Olivia was watching.
"What is he doing?" Carter asked Olivia
"I don't quite know, didn't want to get close enough to ask him." Olivia said
Carter walked over to Noah.
"Hey batter, can you stop swinging?" Carter said
"Yeah what's up?" Noah asked
"Why exactly are you hitting that sandbag?" Carter asked
"I'm practicing." Noah said
"Practicing what?" Carter asked again
"Killing zombies of course, I wanna get a good swing so I can go out with you guys." Noah said
"First of all don't call them that, second of all who's gonna stay here with your mother?" Carter asked
"Sarah can, and I'll call them zeds from now on." Noah said
"You played baseball isn't your swing good enough?" Carter asked
"You can never have to much practice." Noah said
"Well keep practicing and we'll see." Carter said
"Yes!" Noah said quietly

The Dead RiseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang