Chapter 17

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Carter got up and ran to the door, he opened it and saw Elliot. Elliot looked down.
"Now that's what I call service, didn't even worry about putting pants on before coming out to see me." Elliot said
"Uhhh" Carter said
"Go put you fucking pants on." Elliot said
Carter came back with proper clothing on and let Elliot in.
"So you got that information I needed?" Elliot asked
"Yeah I got something." Carter said
"Go ahead spit it out." Elliot said
"There's a group outside of Denver by Black Hawk they call themselves 'The Arsenal' they have a pretty big compound but it looks like it has its weak points. Their mission is to take down bad people and to protect the good people." Carter said
"Now that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank You." Elliot said
"You're welcome." Carter said
"I didn't mean that thank you." Elliot said
"Oh" Carter said
"Where is everyone?" Elliot asked
"Asleep." Carter said
"Well this oughta wake them up." Elliot said
He grabbed a remote from his pocket and press a button. After he pressed a button a car outside blew up shooting flames in pot the sky.
"Isn't that cool?" Elliot said laughing
"Ok boys lets go before the wave of dead things get here." Elliot said walking away
They hopped in a truck and headed away from the city.
Everyone ran out to look at the fire.
"What happened?" Edge asked
"They blew it up to get the herd from the city up here." Carter said
"We gotta go then." Noah said
"We can't we have to protect this place. We have people out to get us and now the dead so out there we are as good as dead. We stay here and fight we might just make it out alive." Carter said
"There goes our plan of fighting with the Arsenal." Skylar said
"They went the other way. Once the herd gets here they won't be able to get through anyway." Carter said
"Wait we're gonna fight them and who's the Arsenal?" Jim asked
"Meeting!" Carter yelled
Everyone went to the gym and stood on the box.
"Ok guys we made a little deal with the Arsenal. Well not really I told them about the people out there turns out they go by the Horsemen. Axel the leader of the Arsenal told me to tell the Horsemen about them and he said they would take care of it. But they have children at that place and not a lot of fighters, so I was hoping we could help them out, put the odds a little more on our side.
Now I know not all of you guys can fight but you can learn. Once this horde gets here we can practice our shooting on them from the second story windows. We can do it I believe in you guys." Carter said
"What about the horde we gotta go something about them. We can't just wait until the freeze if you wanna get out before they attack the Arsenal." Lucy said
"We'll have to set up some kind of distraction later on so we can get outta this place. I know this is a long shot but there is a stadium in Denver, we can lead them there and lock them in." Carter said
"Yeah that could work." Denis said
They started to hear knocking and slapping against the wall.
"Well our guests are here." Sarah said
"The boards will hold but just to be safe we'll stay upstairs, two steel doors and some stairs should stop them if they happen to get in." Carter said
Everyone grabbed their stuff and headed up stairs claiming their own rooms like downstairs.
"Carter, are you there?" Felix said on the radio
"Yeah I'm here." Carter said
"It's a miracle the Zeus from the city seem to have migrated." Felix said
"Yeah they migrated alright, they migrated straight to our front door." Carter said
Everyone went to the windows.
"Holy monkey shit that's a lot of deadheads." Skylar said looking at the wave of deadheads under them
"Yeah" Carter said
"Well I guess we're trapped. We wait till tomorrow then we can target practice while we got the chance. I'll see if the Arsenal can come and help us." Carter said

15 miles away in a store

"Marcus what do we do?!" Sally said
"I don't know we need to get down from here." Marcus said
They were trapped on top of a shelf in a store with a group of deadheads below them.
"I got it." Marcus said
Marcus jumped a large gap from one shelf to another.
"Marcus I won't make it!" Sally said
"Yes you can Sally, we've been through so much it's a simple jump." Marcus said
"No I can't." Sally said
"Please babe I can't lose you, not now." Marcus said
Sally stood up preparing to make the jump. She jumped but fell just short, she fell into the deadheads.
Marcus fell to the edge grabbing her hand but he was to late she was being torn apart. He let go and fell back and laid down on top of the shelf, crying.

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