Chapter 48

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Jake watched as the zeds started pouring through the door, he started pulling at the restraints trying to get free. The zeds were in the middle of the room when a man ran through the second set of doors and threw a hatchet breaking one of the chains.
"Catch." The man said throwing Jake a gun
Jake hung by one hand and helped the man shoot the zeds, the man ran to the door slammed it shut.
"Who the fuck are you?" Jake asked
"We'll foul mouthed child It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is we have a common enemy." The man said
"Dr. Hanson?" Jake asked
"Yeah" the man said grabbing the key and unlocking Jake.
Jake tried to walk but fell on the ground.
"Oh my god what did he do to you!?" The man asked
"He beat me with a fucking stick." Jake said
"We need to get you help." The man said
"I'm fine, we need to warm my friends." Jake said
"You're not fine. I'm taking you to my camp my friend is a doctor." The man said
"Thanks for the offer but I gotta tell them." Jake said
"It wasn't an offer." The man said
He picked Jake up and put him in a truck.
The man got in and started driving.
"What's you're name?" The man asked
"What's yours?" Jake asked
"I asked you first." The man said
"Jake, my name is Jake." Jake said
"I'm Kyle. Once my friend fixes you up we can warn your friends and come up with a plan to take down dr. Hanson." The man said
"Now as much as I want him dead for what he did to me, I don't know if Carter feels like fighting anymore." Jake said
"Trust me once he finds out he's been eating people he'll change his mind." Kyle said
"What!?" Jake said
"Yeah every single meal from dr. Hanson is human flesh." Kyle said

Skylar walked into her and Dave's room.
"Why?" Dave asked
"What?" Skylar asked surprised
"I saw you kiss Carter." Dave said
"I'm sorry, we've just been through so much together. It's just so hard to let him go." Skylar said
"Well you better fucking figure it out." Dave said walking out and slamming the door.
Carter was standing in the hallway and saw Dave slam the door.
"Everything ok?" Carter asked
"Mind your own business." Dave said angrily walking by.
Carter walked into Noah's room, Dr. Hanson was standing in there.
"He's ready to get up." Dr. Hanson said
"That's good." Carter said
Noah stood up slowly and put some clothes on. He put his arm around Carter and they walked outside. They sat down on the curb looking down the street.
"Do you have the same funny feeling about this place I do?" Noah asked
"No, what do you mean?" Carter asked
"It's not very often someone uses precious medical supplies on someone they don't know and don't expect anything in return." Noah said
"I don't know, we'll see." Carter said
Carter walked Noah back inside.
"Hey dad." Noah said
"Yeah?" Carter asked
"Have you seen Jake?" Noah asked
"No he went looking for Marcus he should be back by now." Carter said
"Ok maybe he's just late." Noah said

"Wow he really messed you up." Kyles friend said
"Oh I know." Jake said
"You should be ok though, just gonna put some bandages on it." He said
"Hurry it up I gotta go back." Jake said
"Ok Jake if I know anything about doc Hanson he's probably about to get his next victim. Usually the weakest of the group." Kyle said
"Shit my friend Noah was just shot by an arrow." Jake said
"I'm sorry." Kyle said looking down
Jake jumped up and put his shirt back on walking out the door. Kyle followed shortly behind him.
"Hey! Stop!" Kyle yelled
"I gotta save him!" Jake yelled back
Kyle looked down
"Listen, if you want my people to help you they need time to get ready." Kyle said
"I'll do it myself then." Jake said
"I figured you'd say that.... so I'm coming with you." Kyle said

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