Chapter 13

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Carter woke up before everyone he put his clothes on and grabbed his belt and headed out the back door. He noticed two deadheads pushing against the playground fence, he walked over and stabbed his machete through their heads, then he sat on a bench watching the sun rise. Skylar came out and sat next to him.
"We can't tell them about us." Carter said
"Why not?" Skylar asked
"I don't know how Noah would take it, and if we tell everyone else it'll eventually slip out." Carter said
"I understand." Skylar said
"So where do you think these large groups are at?" Carter asked
"I honestly don't think they exist maybe he was just bluffing." Skylar said
"I don't know, it kept me up most of the night just thinking about what would happen if they found this place. I mean we don't know how many groups there are or how big they are." Carter said
"Don't let things like that keep you awake." Skylar said
"I have to, it's what keeps you guys alive." Carter said
"That's why I like you. You're not a man that needs leadership to feel powerful, you're a man burdened with leadership and it's making you powerful." Skylar said
"Honestly I think it's Noah, I'm not keeping him alive, he's keeping me alive. I would do anything for that kid and that means staying alive to keep him alive, and I'd do thee same for you." Carter said
They leaned in and kissed thing almost escalated before they heard someone open the door. They went back to sitting without the person noticing.
"Good mornin' Carter" Edge said walking hand in hand with Sarah.
"Good morning to you too. Is everyone waking up?" Carter asked
"Yep." Edge said headed to another bench.
Carter walked into the gym and everyone was getting up.
"Good morning everyone!" Carter said walking in
"Someone's happy today" Denis whispered to Lucy
Carter walked over and pulled the blanket off of Noah.
"Wake up sunshine." Carter said
"Oh my god. What time is it?" Noah asked
"Oh be quiet this is the longest you've slept since the safe zone." Carter said
Carter walked over to a wooden crate and stood on top of it.
"Attention please." Carter said
Everyone looked at him.
"Alright today's the day, we're gonna make this place livable. By that I mean board the windows and fortify the playground area. Also on another note how is everyone?" Carter asked
"Great" Sarah said
"Good" Edge said
"Better" Jim said
"Alright" Lucy said
"Fine" Denis said
"Amazing" Skylar said
"Noah?" Carter asked
"Ehh" Noah said
"You're still tired?" Carter asked
"Yep" Noah said
Everyone laughed and Carter jumped off the box and walked into the group.
"There's some wood out back, I guess they were renovating. Lucky us." Carter said
They grabbed some wood and brought it in they started putting it on all the windows. They eventually boarded up the whole school, the deadheads were slamming against the windows trying to get in.
"They can't see us yet they still know we're here." Sarah said
"Maybe they can smell us." Carter said
"Noted." Sarah said
"It's kinda annoying though." Skylar said
"I got an idea." Carter said
He ran out and grabbed a fairly thick stick, he sharpened the end and then walked out the door. He walked up to a deadhead and stabbed the spike right through its head. He ran back in to report his findings to the group.
"Ok if we make enough of these spikes we can make a spike trap around the place. Sure we may have to clean it off every now and again but should be pretty easy. They would be stuck so we just need something long and sharp to kill them then we drag the bodies off and burn them." Carter said
"Easy peasy." Skylar said
"Lemon squeasy" Carter said walking out to get more sticks and Skylar followed shortly behind.
"You think they're...?" Sarah whispered to Edge
"Yep" Edge whispered back
Everyone sharpened sticks and a few hours later they had a spike trap around the school.
Carter and the group stood outside looking at the school.
"Looks good guys, nice work." Carter said walking back in.
"Ok guys everyone gets your pick on rooms." Carter said
"Yes finally privacy." Denis said
"Me, Skylar, and Noah call these rooms." Carter said
"Why does Skylar have to room with us?" Noah asked
"Because she likes you and wants to sleep close to you. Or you know you can have the other room." Carter said
"I'll take a room to myself." Noah said
"Yep definitely screwing." Sarah whispered to Edge
Everyone got in their rooms for the night. Carter stayed up a little later to make sure things were going good.
"Carter go to sleep." Skylar said
"Just one more night of staying up if all goes well tomorrow I'll sleep all night." Carter said
"I know what'll make you tired." Skylar said
She grabbed him and pulled him back down onto the floor, kissing him.

The Dead RiseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora