Chapter 42

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The bat made contact with Dalton's face and he fell to the ground with a thump. All of Carters people pulled out their guns and aimed them at Dalton's people of course they did the same.
"Fuck!" Dalton yelled wiping blood off of himself.
"See I think your saying fuck as a broad statement about the situation but I think you need to be saying fuck in a more personal way. You see Dalton you're fucked. So are your people, you mutilate me and leave me for dead in the woods, think you were training my people to be fighters, and then Dalton, you made me kill my best friend. You know what made you did make this people better fighters just like you wanted, because now we have you out numbered and out gunned." Carter said
"Why didn't you bring more?" Dalton's wife Andrea asked
"I didn't think they'd fight, I thought I had them broken." Dalton said spitting out blood
"Well you were wrong." Carter said
"There's more coming if you kill me it'll just get worse." Dalton said
"He's bluffing." Skylar said
"Don't listen to her Carter if you kill me everyone dies." Dalton said
"Kill them all except the wife." Carter said
The people started firing leaving only the wife standing.
"Come her doll." Carter said
Andrea stood in front of Dalton, Carter walked up behind her and sunk his machete into her skull. Dalton tried to get up but Noah and Marcus held him back. Carter pulled out his pistol and put it to Dalton's head.
"A long time ago someone like you told me this world would change me, I think he was right." Carter said
Carter pulled the trigger and blew a hole in Dalton's head, his body fell to the ground with a thump blood pouring from the hole.
"It's over!" Carter yelled
Everyone applauded and Skylar hugged Carter.
"He says more are coming but he may be bluffing either way we need to be ready at those gates with a hell like they've never seen before." Carter said
About an hour later they had Edges funeral
"Edge has been with me and Noah since the start, he helped me get gas, he took us into his home to keep us safe. When I need him he was there, he will be missed." Carter said
The sound of about five trucks came from outside.
"Get ready!" Carter said
Carter climbed up a watch tower and saw a semi truck with steel plated armor and a guy on the roof with a grenade launcher.
"Ah shit. Run!" Carter yelled
Everyone scattered and Carter jumped from the tower. The guy shot a grenade at the gate blowing it open, he then shot the guard tower. Carter ran off to the side and hid behind a car. The truck was approaching the walls and the guy was blowing up all of the houses. He then shot the school blowing up the entrance. Zoe and Grace were running with Grace in front. The guy shot a grenade at a car in front of Grace and the explosion threw her back. Zoe ran over to her and kneeled on top of her, one of the other guys shot Zoe in the side multiple times. Carter winced and ran back further, Noah watched Grace and Zoe die. The truck was now entering the gate slowly.
"I'm gonna take out the grenade launcher." Jake said
He ran into the middle and took aim at the truck with his revolver. He took one shot and killed the grenade launcher guy and then he took another and killed the driver through the sight hole in the armor. The truck was barreling toward him and Noah ran out and tackled him out of the way. The truck passed and crashed into a house, they hid behind a car.
"Nice shooting." Noah said
"Thanks." Jake said
Everyone still alive was shooting at the other trucks. Carter ran around and climbed into the semi, he grabbed the grenade launcher and shot one into the group of trucks blowing up two and kill at least eight people. The gun fire stopped and Carter stood on top of the truck.
"We killed your leader, you have no one to fight for. If you're still alive run away, so that doesn't change." Carter said
People ran out the gates from behind the trucks. Carter hopped down grabbing his side due to the injuries Dalton caused.
Carter looked around, everything was on fire, there was blood everywhere. Everyone came out and Carter looked at them.
"Where is Lucy?" Carter asked
"Last I seen her she was behind that green house." Marcus said
Carter ran to the house and saw her sitting up against the house holding her stomach with blood coming through her fingers.
"Oh no" Carter said
"My baby, Carter it's gone." Lucy said crying
"Come on we need to get you help." Carter said
"Carter, I don't want help." Lucy said
"What do you mean?" Carter asked
"Give me your gun, let me end it." Lucy said
"Are you sure?" Carter asked
"Please Carter" she said tearing up more
Carter handed her his gun. Carter walked back to the rest of the group.
"Did you find her?" Skylar asked
A gunshot went off behind him.
"We need to leave, this place is a beacon for deadheads." Carter said
Carter, Noah, Skylar, Jake, and Marcus walked out the gate and into the woods.

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