Chapter 34

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"Good morning." Carter said to Skylar and the dog.
"Good morning hun." Skylar said
"We need to find a name for this dog." Carter said
"What about Max?" Skylar asked
"Sounds good to me." Carter said
*Earlier that morning*
Marcus dropped the pill in a cup of water. The pill dissolved leaving it looking like plain water. Marcus picked it up and put it on a table inside the school with a note saying "Mornin' boss. From Stewart".
Carter walked down stairs and saw the cup on the table.
"Mornin' boss? Don't mind if I do." Carter said
Carter picked the glass up and Max ran down barking at him.
"What?" Carter said
Carter put the glass down and Max looked at it barking.
"Someone tried to drug me eh?" Carter asked the dog
The dog barked.
"What's going on?" Skylar asked
"It's seems like Stewart put something in a drink and tried to give it to me." Carter said
"What are you gonna do?" Skylar asked
"We're gonna take a vote, if we want this to be a real society unlike what's out there we have to stop the killing and think of things in a more rational way. Maybe we can banish him or something." Carter said
"Ok if that's how you want to do it I'm with you all the way." Skylar said
Carter called a meeting and everyone met in the center of town.
"This morning someone attempted an assassination on me and quite frankly I don't like that. But luckily they left their name on the note, Stewart why did you have to do it?" Carter asked
Stewart shot a nasty glare at Marcus.
"Exactly didn't think you'd say anything. Stewart you see this is the kinda thing we can't let just slide by, I'm not gonna kill you. If we want this place to be a safe haven for all, a new start, a new society we're gonna have to do things differently then we have been. We can't just go around killing people anymore if we want a real society, we need to think of things in a more rational way. We can take a vote with two options: banish him or imprison him in the school basement." Carter said
Everyone just looked at each other and Stewart looked down.
"Now I know this is hard, but it would be harder killing him, we want this place to be a new life for anyone and everyone that comes around we can't have that if we kill all wrong doers. Now raise your hand if you vote prison." Carter said
Zoe and Lucy raised their hands.
"Ok raise you hand if you want banishment." Carter said
The rest of the group raised their hands.
"Ok the decisions been made." Carter said
"I trusted you." Stewart said to Marcus
"You didn't think I was just gonna kill him did you, you want him dead why don't you just kill him yourself!" Marcus yelled
"Ok." Stewart said
Stewart pulled his gun out and shot Carter in the stomach, Carter fell down on the ground holding his stomach.
"Dad!" Noah yelled running to him followed by Skylar
"Drop the gun motherfucker." Edge said putting his gun to Stewart's head.
"Fuck you." Stewart said
"I was only gonna tell you once." Edge said shooting Stewart in the leg.
"Ahhgh!" Stewart yelled
"You'll get over it." Edge said dragging Stewart out the gate and shutting it
Carter got up holding his stomach.
"I'm okay, it's through and through." Carter said
Carter limped over and hugged Noah and Skylar.
"You're bleeding a lot." Noah said
"We gotta stop the bleeding." Skylar said
"Take him to the school." Noah said
Carter started limping to the school holding his stomach then he fell over passed out.
"It's ok it's ok. Hopefully it's just from shock." Lucy said
"We really need to get the bleeding stopped." Skylar said
The carried him into the school and put him on a table.
"You're gonna be ok." Skylar said
"You bet he is he's the toughest son of a bitch I know." Noah said
Carter smiled.
"He's awake!" Noah said
"I won't die, not yet I'm not ready." Carter said quietly
"This may hurt." Lucy said as she bandaged the wound.
After she bandaged it she looked him over.
"He will be fine, managed to miss all vital organs." Lucy said
"Good." Noah said
"He be up and killing deadheads next week I know it." Skylar said
"Yep, but while I'm out I need you to keep everyone in line and when I get up we'll start letting people in again so they can have the privilege of living like the dead aren't walking around." Carter said
"I will." Skylar said

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