Chapter 44

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**Mid Nebraska Somewhere**
"If we keep it up at this pace we'll be there in about a week." Carter said
"Especially with this truck to sleep in." Skylar said talking about the box truck they took
"Yeah almost like an RV." Marcus said
"Yeah and I can out my dirtbike in it." Jake said laughing
"On another note, how's the hand?" Noah asked Jake
"Good thanks for patching me up." Jake said
"Anytime friend." Noah said smiling
"Well before we get going for the day we should probably go find gas, I think there's a town across the forest." Carter said
"I'll stay with the truck." Marcus said
"Ok thanks." Carter said
Carter, Skylar, Noah, and Jake were walking through the woods.
"So Jake how was life before the apocalypse?" Noah asked
"Well pretty normal I guess." Jake said
"And dad how's your arm." Noah said looking at the sling.
"It's getting better." Carter said
Noah watched his dads obvious limp from his knee recovering.
"So Jake did you have a girlfriend before?" Noah asked
"Yeah before, but after It just got complicated." Jake said quietly
Noah shot a glance but then looked back where he was walking.
"Looks like a building in the distance." Carter said
"So wher..." Noah said before an arrow went into his stomach.
Noah was falling backwards and Carter caught him.
"No!" Carter yelled
"Noah!" Skylar yelled as they kneeled down to a not moving Noah.
Jake saw a man running and took off chasing him, Jake caught the guy and tackled him.
He was a skinny man with a crossbow and hunting gear on. Jake out his revolver in the guys face.
"You shot my friend!" Jake yelled
"I thought he was a bear!" The man yelled
"Get up and follow me, you're gonna help us or I'll kill you." Jake said
They went back, Skylar and Carter were crying over Noah.
"You! You shot my son!" Carter said getting up and into the guys face
"Well let me help him! We have a camp in that building over there." The guy said
"What can we do here?" Carter asked
"Pull the arrow out, if you leave it in there it could get infected." The guy said
Carter kneeled over Noah and pulled the arrow out. Carter took his jacket off and wrapped it around Noah to keep pressure on the wound.
"Take me to your camp." Carter said
They all ran following the guy, they walked into a building and the guy yelled for the doctor.
"Dammit son what have you done?" The doctor said
"I shot his kid with the crossbow." The guy said
"Bring him in here." The doctor said walking to a room
Carter walked into the room and out Noah down in the bed.
"Please doctor, you gotta save him!" Carter pleaded
"I'll do what I can, for now I need everyone to get out!" The doctor yelled
**20 minutes later**
The doctor came out.
"Ok I got him stable you can come in." He said
"Thank you doctor, the name is Carter and they are Skylar, and Jake." Carter said shaking the doctors hand
"Well you can call me Dr. Hanson." He said
"Thanks for saving my boy Dr. Hanson." Carter said
"Listen, Your boy needs blood. He has lost a lot." Dr. Hanson said
"I can't give him blood he's b+, only Olivia could." Carter said
"I'm A-." Skylar said
"I'll do it, I'm b+." Jake said
"Thank you Jake!" Carter said hugging him.
"Ok everyone but Jake leave." Dr. Hanson said
Jake sat in the chair next to Noah's bed, Noah was laid out with bandages coving the wounds.
Dr. Hanson started the process. When it was over Dr. Hanson went out to tell the rest of the group, Jake was told to stay in there just in case there was side effects.
Jake looked at Noah and saw him smiling.
"Thank you." Noah moaned in pain.
"For what?" Jake asked
"Being there for me, giving your blood to me." Noah moaned again still in pain
"I'd do anything for" Jake said

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