Chapter 27

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"What are you doing?" Skylar asked Carter while he was picking up his gun and machete.
"The people upstairs they're coming back!" Carter yelled running out the door
He ran to the stairway door and zeds were coming through the door. He slashed the two that got through sand slammed the door holding it shut.
"Someone help!" Carter yelled
Zoe, Skylar, and Noah came out and helped him hold the door shut.
"We can't hold the door shut forever." Skylar said
"If we let go they should come out at a reasonable rate and we can pick them off." Zoe said
"Ok go get your sister and everyone else to help us." Carter said to Zoe
"Ok." Zoe said running through and walking everyone up.
When everyone was out they let loose of the door and it swung open.
"Ok everyone make your shots count you can do this." Carter said
Grace shot the first one.
"Nice shot." Noah said
Noah shot two
"Nice shots." Grace said
They picked off the zeds one by one until they were all dead.
"Ok good job, everyone get some sleep we might go out and get wall supplies tomorrow." Carter said
The next morning everyone went until the gym for Carters speech.
"Good job last night everyone did what they were supposed to do and we secured the school again. Tower all worked together and as you've heard team work makes the dream work." Carter said before jumping off the box
"Did he really just say that?" Grace asked
"Yep." Noah said
"Ok we need a team to go with me to the store to get the supplies." Carter said
Stewart, Skylar, Edge, and Denis agreed to go.
They got in a truck and headed to the hardware store.
They walked in and checked for deadheads
"Wow the store is clear." Carter said
"That's a shock." Skylar said
"Well I'm gonna find a bathroom." Carter said
"We'll start loading the stuff into the truck." Edge said
"Actually. Grab one of those eighteen wheelers and fill it up with the materials we can carry more. I'll be there to help in a minute." Carter said
He walked to the back and found a bathroom  he was about to walk on when something jumped at him.
When it rolled into the light he realized it was Skylar.
"It's been a while." She said winking
"Yeah it has." Carter said
Outside Denis was trying to open the door for the eighteen wheeler.
"It's locked." Denis said
"Just smash the window." Edge said
"With what?" Denis asked
"I don't know we're at a hardware store, find something." Edge said
Denis looked around and found a brick he threw it at the window breaking it. He climbed up and reached in to unlock the door and a zed grabbed his arm and bit it about halfway up. He fell off the side of the truck.
"Denis!" Edge yelled running toward him.
"He's been bit!" Stewart yelled
Carter and Skylar ran out.
"What's happening?" Carter asked
"Denis has been bit." Edge said
"Shit." Carter said
Carter ran up to the truck and opened the door causing the zed to fall out. He shot the zed and it fell to the ground.
"Put him in the camper part on the bed. I'll drive him back." Carter said getting in the truck
"But what if he.." Skylar said
"I can handle it." Carter said
The put him on the bed behind Carter and he started up the truck and left toward the school.
"How ya felling?" Carter asked
"Terrible, I think the fever is starting to set in." Denis said
"You'll be fine man." Carter said
"Carter, I know what's gonna happen to me I just need you to promise me two things." Denis said
"Anything." Carter said
"Tell Lucy I loved her and make sure your the one to put me down." Denis said
Carter just looked toward and kept driving. About twenty minutes later the arrived at the school.
"Oh they got a crap ton of supplies." Marcus said
"Oh no." Lucy said as Carter carried Denis to the door.
"Open it!" Carter yelled
They opened the door and Carter laid Denis in the floor of the gym.
"He's been bitten." Carter said
"No." Lucy said
Denis shook his head yes to Lucy.
"How long ago?" Zoe asked
"About twenty minutes why?" Carter asked
"Shit, cut it off it won't save him but it'll slow it down." Zoe said
"No don't slow it down." Denis said
"But Denis." Lucy said
"No Lucy." Denis said
"Carter I'm gonna die either way why not make it quick, it's time Carter." Denis said
"Are you sure Denis?" Carter said
"Yes." Denis said
Everyone walked out but Carter, Lucy started crying outside the door.
"I'm sorry." Carter said before putting his gun to Denis' head.
Carter pulled the trigger and covered his body with a blanket.
Everyone walked back in.
"I'll start on the grave." Stewart said
"Thank you." Carter said
They buried Denis and Carter sat in the gym thinking about things and Lucy walked in.
"Carter I have to tell you something." Lucy said
"What is it?" Carter asked
"I'm pregnant with Denis' baby." Lucy said
Carter just looked at the ground.
"Listen don't tell anyone. We'll work something out I just don't want everyone on a frenzy." Carter said

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