1. None of Your Business

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The music blared as I danced the night away intoxicated by the alcohol I've choked down. Couples danced around me but I was here for my own enjoyment not to be with that loser for a boyfriend. I felt my dress rise up the back of my thighs exposing new skin.

My phone vibrated in the small pocket of my dress and I stepped off the dance floor and into the girls bathroom. The sobering thought of Nick made my heart beat too fast for my breath to catch up with. Just the person I was getting away from.

"What?" I sassed into the phone.

"Where the hell are you?!" My lovely boyfriend yelled sending goosebumps down my back.

"None of your business!" I pretended to be tough and unbothered, but that was completely opposite of how I actually felt.

"Don't use that tone with me bitch!" His words stung and a lump formed in the back of my throat.

"What are you my mom?" I nearly screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice quivered and hot tears blurred my vision.

"Look baby I'm sorry where are you?" His voice was sinister and manipulative.

"The store" I lied even though I wasn't trying hard to convince him. I just wanted to get my point across that he doesn't have to know where I am all the time.

"Then why do I hear music in the background?" Because fuck you that's why.

"Because the store people like listening to music!" Girls coming in and out of the bathroom looked at me like I was crazy for taking a phone call in the club. The club is a place to get away from the outside world.

"You're an awful liar and an even more awful girlfriend" His voice was harsh and unforgiving.

"I'm at the club why do you care?" My palms began to sweat and the hair on the back of my neck rose. I always get so nervous around Nick or talking to him. Anything I say could get me hurt.

"I thought we were gonna have fun tonight?" The air inside my throat was trapped and I couldn't breath. As every day passes it was getting harder to escape Nick and what he wanted. I'm actually surprised he hasn't forced himself on me.

"We already went over this I'm not your fuck buddy" I needed to get out of this toxic cycle but I didn't know how! There isn't a way at all. I can't run away because where would I go? How would I eat? Where would I live? November in London isn't the warmest weather.

"Well in order to be my fuck buddy you'd have to fuck me" I hung up frustrated and scared. I slipped my phone back in my black dress and examined my appearance which was awful. My light brown hair that started off straight was beginning to curl and frizz due to the sweat and humidity in the club. Mascara smudges coated the foundation under my eyes and the eye liner was beginning to fade. The cheap red lipstick I had on was almost completely gone.

I threw some water on my face hoping to get some of the loose makeup off, but everything smeared even more. I took a paper towel and tried to clean it up as best as possible before leaving. I threw my hair in a ponytail and headed for the door. As I was leaving I saw the reflection of someone through the mirror. I spun around shocked as I made eye contact with a tall handsome man. But handsome was not the focus here.

"What the hell are you doing? This is the girl's bathroom idiot!" His curls where standing on his head framing his face as his green eyes pierced through me.

"There are no rules sweetheart I can come in here whenever I want" His deep voice echoed through the bathroom with a slight chuckle. Is he insane?

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