4. Patience

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"Harry we need to hurry he'll be back soon" I felt as if I was constantly looking over my shoulder waiting for Nick to come in and shoot Harry.

"Calm down Sky" I froze in my spot. Hearing that nickname brought so many memories back. Memories I didn't want to think of. "You're turning pale what's the matter?" Harry asked. Part of me wanted to be angry he called me that, but it's not like he knew what hearing that meant to me. The other part just wanted to be 9 years old again and have my dad.

"It's nothing" I muttered fiddling with the necklace I wore. My dad left my family when I was 11 after my mom died. He couldn't take the pain so he just left me alone. I was an only child so it was just me. All alone in New York City-

"What happened?" Harry interrupted my thoughts.

"I don't want to talk about it let's just get out of here" I muttered zipping my suitcase shut. I had everything that belonged to me. Everything. I didn't let Harry see the picture of my mom, dad, and I because he'd only ask questions.

"Is that all? One suitcase?" I put my phone in my sweater pocket and turned around making sure I didn't leave anything behind.

"Yeah now let's go" I rolled my eyes walking out. I mean it was pretty big and I just had a few clothes and makeup and stuff. "WAIT" I ran back inside searching for one thing. I opened up about five drawers in Nick's room before I found it. The slick black card was cold in my hand but I could do a lot of damage with it. Harry seemed puzzled but now I was ready.

We slowly peeked out the door making sure Nick wasn't coming. The apartment complex was deserted so we ran down the stairs to the car. Harry put my suitcase in the back and we got settled in and drove off. My fingers nervously tapped on my leg going over everything making sure I didn't forget something. My heart dropped into my stomach.

"Harry my phone has a tracker on it he can find me wherever I go" He didn't seem worried at all as he pulled over to the side of the road.

"Can I see your phone?" He asked. I knitted my eyebrows together curious as to what he was about to do.

"What are you going to do with it?" I asked cautiously.

"You'll see" He took my phone out of my hands and hummed it into the river. Great.

"HARRY!" This boy is so infuriating.

"Now when he tracks it he'll think you're in the river" He giggled.

"Harry that was my phone!" I rubbed my temples in angst.

"I'll buy you a new one"

"Fine" I'm cool with that considering HE THREW IT IN THE RIVER! "He still knows where you live" I mumbled.

"Confession. The apartment we went to last night wasn't mine it was a friend's. My house is more in the country side" He started driving again.

"Why do you care about me so much?" I blurted out.

"You're gorgeous and that's really all I have right now but I have good intentions I swear and I don't want to see someone as beautiful as you getting taken advantage of. I know this is all sudden and you have no reason to trust me, but just let me help you out a little until you get back on your feet and don't need me anymore" The sincerity in his voice made me just want to grab him and kiss his pink lips, but I couldn't. I can't just impose on him this far and expect him to be the perfect boyfriend I never had. We are strictly friends.

"That's not how it felt at the club last night" I referred back to how he first was, all broody and the attitude that I should fall in love with him instantly. The sunlight made his skin glow and he started smirking when he realized I was staring at him.

"Okay I know I was hitting on you but most girls would just agree and come home with me but I had to work for you"

"So you see me as just another girl?" I tried to act all mad and tough at everything, but he saw right through it but played along anyway.

"No you're a lot prettier than most girls. And you're feisty. I like feisty" He chuckled.

"Okay well I'm not going into a relationship if that's what your implying" I sassed.

"Well not right now at least" He smirked. I turned towards the window to hide the smile growing on me.

"You know just because you're famous and everything doesn't make you all that"

"I never said it does" He smiled and showed me his pretty white teeth. This is making it harder to argue with him about not being all that.

"But you're acting like it" Is this flirting? Is this what a normal relationship feels like? Strange.

"I think that's what you want to think just so you can insult me" Good point Harry.

"Whatever" I scoffed.

"So you think because I'm famous means that I think I'm better than everyone else and that it's all about me? Or are you just saying because you hate me?"

"I don't hate you Harry" The conversation took a more serious tone.

"Then why do you assume those things?" Harry turned to me and I didn't know how to respond. Yeah last night he seemed all full of himself but today I just see a sweet guy who really cares. He didn't have to check up on me this morning or invite me to stay at his house, but he did and I'm just a random girl in distress.

"Because you play around with girls like they're toys, you act like you can get whatever you want for example, me, you just threw my phone into the river and calmly say 'oh I'll just buy you a new one'" My argument wasn't strong whatsoever but we were getting to know each other and that's what I wanted.

"I don't play around with girls or not anymore at least it's just called flirting, and yes I'm used to girls throwing themselves at me so when you didn't it shocked me, and your crazy boyfriend is probably going to want to find you and now he can't thanks to me. Look Skylar you don't have to like me but before you decide you don't like me, just get to know me. Just be patient. I think you will like me because I'm a very nice person but that's up to you. You're being rude to me and I still like you" I was speechless. I stayed silent processing his words. Maybe he wasn't a cocky popstar after all.

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