10. Bad Blood

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I woke up to a horrible headache and a throbbing lip. I stretched my arm over the side of the bed feeling for Skylar but I guess she left when I was sleeping. I remember pulling her body close to mine last night but maybe it was just a dream. Rolling out of bed I realized how sick I felt. I didn't think I drank that much but I guess I did.

The black eye and busted lip caught my attention in the mirror. Damn what happened last night. I took a hot shower then went downstairs to find Skylar.

Her hair was tied up in a bun and she had glasses on as she concentrated while typing on her laptop. She looked cute.

"Hey" I said sitting next to her on the couch.

"Hi" Skylar abruptly stated without looking up from her computer.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know Harry my mind is all over the place" I glanced at what she was typing and it was a resume. Interesting.

"Well do you wanna tell me what's on your mind" She propped her glasses on top of her head and looked at me.

"I do but I don't because it won't do any good" Her eyes were cold and glassy like when we first met. I didn't like it.

"Try me" I grinned though it seemed to make her more on edge.

"No Harry it's fine. I need to go to the store to get cash. Can we leave soon?" After sharply closing her laptop she ran up the stairs going into her room.

"Okay then" I said to myself. Walking to the kitchen, my phone started ringing. It was Louis probably calling about my car.

"Hey what's up Lou"

"Zayn and I are coming over to bring your car back. Is that girl still there?" Someone was in a bad mood.

"Thanks but yeah she is why?"

"Harry it's your choice but I don't trust her she is just using you" I scoffed.

"You don't know that and it isn't your problem anyway" I really need to go to the store to get food.

"I'm just looking out for you"

"Thanks but I'm good"

"Alright well we are almost there" Louis hung up the phone and I went to my room to change.


"No Harry it's fine. I need to go to the store to get cash. Can we leave soon?" I don't know if I was bothered by Harry and I's fight or Louis being an asshole to me or the fact that Harry was so touchy last night. I mean it wasn't that bad but we aren't a couple. I didn't want to annoy Harry by telling him what was bothering me because he wouldn't be able to change the fact that we found and that Louis hates me. All of his friends probably hate me.

I slipped on black jeans and a grey tank top throwing a red coat over it. I didn't feel like putting makeup on my eye because it didn't look too bad today. Whatever I don't care. I put my phone and my wallet in one of my purses and walked downstairs to find Louis and another guy standing in the living room.

"Oh hey" I said coldly.

"Skylar this is Zayn. Zayn, Skylar" Louis said gesturing to me.

"Nice to meet you" Zayn said awkwardly.

"Yeah you too" The room was filled with tension and no one said anything until Harry came downstairs full of life. Great now at least two of Harry's friends definitely don't like me.

"Hello friends" Harry hugged both guys exchanging hellos. "So I'm guessing you all have met now?"

"Yeah Louis and I met last night though, you know when you could barely stand up straight" I nodded and laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Ah yes last night" Harry smiled mischievously looking down at his shoes.

"So uh is that what happened to your face Harry?" Zayn questioned pointing to his lip.

"Yeah you know typical bar fight"

"Except it wasn't a typical bar fight. Harry attacked this random guy for no reason" Louis said disapprovingly taking an indirect jab at me.

"Alright no need to dig up the past" Harry said dramatically. "Is my car in the drive way?"

"Yeah it is" Zayn answered.

"So Skylar" Louis started. "Did Harry tell you about the big party he is throwing on Christmas?"

"No he didn't" I said watching as Harry shot daggers at Louis with his eyes.

"Yeah Louis I didn't get a chance but it's gonna be fun" Harry fake smiled at me.

"Alright well we're gonna get going. And hey don't forget about dinner plans Friday night" Zayn said trying to stop whatever fight was brewing between them.

"Got it" Harry said as they left. "Sorry about Louis"

"It's fine I'm used to people not liking me" I played on my phone to avoid eye contact.

"Skylar it doesn't matter what they think of you. I like you" I knew he was sympathetic and really being genuine but I just felt so out of place. I didn't belong here at this house and in his life.

"It does matter they're your best friends!"

"Seriously they don't matter, please don't let it bother you they just care a lot about me. Once they get to know you they will care about you too" My guard that fell down over the last couple days went up again. I just didn't want to allow myself to be vulnerable.

"Okay let's just go to the store and forget about it" I walked past him and out of the door heading for his car.

"Is this what is bothering you so much?" He said getting in the driver's seat.

"Can we just stop talking? It doesn't matter" Harry's jaw clenched in frustration and his hands gripped the wheel as he backed out. The radio played music so it wasn't completely silent but Harry and I didn't talk. I wanted to say something and be fun and lighthearted, but I didn't know how. I haven't had a silly conversation with someone in so long. We got to the store and Harry parked but didn't move.

"I'll just wait in the car" He stated calmly without looking at me. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. Since I couldn't buy a car with Nick's credit card without getting arrested for credit card fraud, I'd just get as much cash as I could then stop using his card. I didn't want to send them in to debt, even though that was probably not possible.

Once I got enough I went back to the car to find Harry yelling at someone over the phone. When I opened the door he quickly said "I gotta go" then hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Um Louis it's nothing though" Great now he was shutting me out. This is all my fault. First I was a bitch and now he isn't trying anymore.

"What happened?"

"Why do you care? I try to be nice to you and make you feel better but you refuse it!" I pursed my lips together not knowing what to say. I just leaned my head on the window as he drove.

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