12. Crush

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"So are you okay with everything that happened tonight?" I asked as we got home. Skylar couldn't stop giggling. She was definitely drunk. She threw her coat and beanie on the floor and went to my wine collection.

"I really don't care" She slurred. "Can you help me?"

"I don't think you should have anymore wine" I took the wine bottle from her and watched in amusement as her facial expression went from childish happy to childish sad.

"Harry please I'm fine just one more glass" She tugged at my arm and I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Fine one more but then you're going to bed" I opened it and filled up two glasses.

"Hmm okay" Within two minutes she drank the whole glass and put on Christmas music and started dancing on the table.

"Skylar be careful I don't feel like going to the hospital tonight"

"Harry you know Louis told me a secret about you" I grabbed her hand and she gestured for me to pick her up.

"Oh damn so are you guys best friends now?" I laid her on the couch and sat down next to her.

"He said you were crazy about me" I laughed hoping she wouldn't remember this in the morning.

" And what do you think?"

"I think he's right. You and your curly brown hair and green eyes always looking at me. You're definitely in love with me" She giggled.

"Okay sure believe what you want" I flipped through random shows on Netflix and clicked on the US version of The Office because it's a lot better than the British version.

"Harry" Skylar took the remote from me and muted the tv.

"Yeah?" I propped my head up with my hand on the back of the couch as she struggled to sit up.

"Nick didn't rape me" I knew she was drunk but her voice was calm and low.

"What are you talking about?" She broke eye contact with me and played with her hair.

"I told him he could do it" She inhaled a shaky breath before tears started falling from her eyes.

"Why? You could have stopped him" I tried my best to be gentle not wanting to upset her more.

"Because he was going to either way I didn't want to not accept it because that would only make it worse. I just feel like I don't belong here. I don't want to bother you or your friends with my problems" Her voice cracked and she wasn't angry or mad, she was just broken.

"Skylar you aren't bothering me or my friends at all. Louis was right I am crazy about you" I pulled her into my chest and she stayed silent for a while trying to stop crying.

"I want to believe you Harry but I'm just scared"

"You don't have to believe me I'm not trying to rush you into anything I just want you to feel better" I ran my fingers through her hair and she seemed to have stopped crying.

"I miss my family" This time she wasn't crying but she sounded like a child who was lost and couldn't find her parents.

"What happened to them?" She sat up facing me again. Black makeup trailed down her cheeks and built up under her eyes, but she still looked perfect.

"My mom died when I was 10 and my dad was so heartbroken he couldn't stand to be around me. So he left. My grandparents raised me then my Grandpa died a year before I graduated and my Grandma died when I was a freshman at college" I know she didn't want my pity, but this only made me want to care for her more and try to make every day for her the best it could be. Her whole life has been filled with death and abuse.

"I'm so sorry" I didn't know what else to say. How does anyone respond to that? There isn't really a way, I just improvised hoping it would help the slightest.

"I just- I'm just mad at my dad for leaving me. We could have still been a family. He could have watched me graduate highschool and college and one day see me get married and have babies, but he just left. How does a parent just leave their child?" I held her hand and she gave me a faint smile.

"Stay here as long as you want, please"

"Does someone have a crush on me?" She mocked me from earlier. I was surprised she could still have a sense of humor right now.

"Even if I did I wouldn't tell you"

"You don't have to it's pretty obvious" She winked.

"Well what about you?"

"You're kinda cute but I don't know if I wanna be famous" We both laughed just enjoying each other's presence, I wanted to ask more about her family, but it was too much emotion for both of us.

"Let's get you to bed before you kill the rest of that bottle of wine" I turned off the tv and the lights waiting for Skylar to stand up.

"I'll finish it for breakfast" She giggled walking towards her door. "Goodnight Harry"

"Night Skylar" I walked into my room closing the door behind me. I couldn't stop thinking about her and everything. I mean obviously it's hard not to think of someone I just met who has now moved into a spare room in my house but still. There was so much more I wanted to learn about her.


Did I intend on telling Harry about my parents? No but drunk me had other plans. After crying like a baby again, I sobered up and now I was just ready to climb in bed and forget all the bad stuff. I washed all the smeared and faded makeup off my skin and tied my hair up then changed into an extra large t shirt. Super comfy.

Jumping into bed I decided to text Harry because why not.

Me: What's up?

Harry: Trying to sleep, why are you texting me?

Me: Because I miss you.
Me: Just kidding;)

Harry: Nah you definitely miss me.

Me: So when are we getting a Christmas tree?

Harry: Tomorrow I guess.

Me: Also I need a car.

Harry: Why so you can leave me?

Me: You're okay I don't think I'd leave you. Just don't wake me up again.

Harry: So I'll wake you up 6 sharp then?

Me: Do you want to die?

Harry: You wouldn't.

Me: Night try not to dream of me too much.

Harry: But dream you is so much hotter than real you.

Me: Shut up!

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