14. I called it

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"Oh shit" I mumbled standing to my feet to go follow Harry who was now walking away from me.

"I know that was a bit impulsive but I really do like you ever since I laid eyes on you holding hands with Harry"

"You can't just go around kissing people Liam! You're cute and I'm sure a great guy but you can't do that to Harry!" I was about to leave the conversation there but he continued.

"What are you talking about?" Liam seemed mad as if he didn't know Harry had a thing for me. Okay is he blind?

"I don't know I have to go" I rushed to the back of the boat to see Harry sitting away from the group on his phone.

"Hey" I spoke softly.

"What was that Skylar?" He was upset in a mad but sad kinda way, it was strange.

"Harry I don't know we were talking and he just kissed me" I remembered to whisper so the rest of the group didn't hear me.

"Well did you like it? Do you like him?" Did I?

"I-I don't know" He rolled his eyes going back to whatever was so important on his phone.

"So what are you going to live with him now?" Someone's a little salty.

"Harry don't get like that" I folded my arms. Looking over my shoulder Eleanor was watching us and she gave me a concerned look and I just shrugged.

"Get like what?" He laughed.

"I don't know" I did know I just didn't want to say it out loud because I could be wrong and then I would just look more ridiculous than I already do.

"No say it" He crossed his arms and his voice was a mixture of mad but jealous but also amused.

"Don't get all jealous!" I threw my hands in the air turning away from him. I studied the waves and focused on how the sunlight reflected off the water. It was better than watching Harry's reaction.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He acted as if I was crazy and when I turned around I just saw him walking away.

"It's getting kinda late you guys want to head back now?" Niall asked. I checked my phone and all I wanted to do was go home. I was freezing and wet and now Harry is mad at me.

"Yeah it's almost 5" I said. Everyone agreed and the boys dried off and changed. Zayn pulled up the anchor of the boat and we drove back to the dock. Tension was building up between Harry, Liam and I but everyone else was involved in their own conversations not noticing hopefully. As we were leaving I exchanged numbers with everyone now that I was closer with them. Harry jumped up on the dock offering me his hand but not making eye contact with me. Liam followed close behind me before Harry and I left and nudged my side.

"Hey can we talk?" He whispered so Harry wouldn't hear.

"Not right now Liam, can you just call me tonight?" I did want to resolve things and if Harry wouldn't admit his thing for me or whatever it is then maybe I could date Liam, who knows.

"Yeah sure" We all said our goodbyes and parted ways. Harry was still silent as we got in the car.

"Will you please talk to me?" I asked.

"I don't have anything to say"

"Fine so if Liam asks me out you wouldn't have any objection?" I was annoyed now so I was just saying anything to push his buttons. I really didn't know if I wanted to go out with Liam or not. He did seem very nice and sweet, but Harry is really the only person I trust at the moment.

"Nope go ahead" See that's the answer I didn't want to hear. I didn't respond and we drove home in silence. Once we got to the house I headed right for my room. I threw all my clothes on the floor and started a hot bath because I couldn't feel my feet or hands.


I watched as Skylar and Harry went inside just lost in my thoughts about her.

"Dude you kissed Skylar?!" Zayn half shouted

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop myself she was just sitting there smiling and it was the perfect moment so I went for it"

"Harry's going to kill you" Louis said

"Well he needs to man up and ask her out because I'm sure he knew my feelings for her would develop!"

"He has a point" Niall said

"Did you ask her out?"

"Yeah but-" My phone vibrated interrupting us. I smiled when I read it was from Skylar

How about that date?

"Liam who is it from?" Louis snapped getting my attention


"What did she say?" Niall asked

"She said she will go on a date with me" I smirked

"She must have gotten in a fight with Harry" Zayn said

"Let me see" I texted her back

Why the sudden change?

"My money's on she got in a fight with Harry" Louis laughed

"Same" Niall and Zayn said when I felt my phone vibrate

Harry and I got in a fight•_•

"What'd she say?" Zayn asked

"She got in a fight with Harry" I said while laughing

"I called it!" Zayn said as we continued laughing and I texted her back

I'm sorry:( are you free tomorrow?

Yes um is 7 a good time?

Perfect I'll be there by 7.

What should I wear?

Something casual

Okay I'll see you tomorrow

Till then:)


Hey guys!! Ooohh plot twist Skylar and Liam;)

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