32. Close To You

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The party was located in a fancy room of a hotel located in Time Square. 15 minutes before the ball drop was when everyone would start filing outside. The room was decorated with everything white, red and green. Fake snow covered the ground and Christmas lights were set up everywhere. Of course paparazzi were hiding in every corner waiting to shoot famous people, there were a lot here. 

Rumors of Taylor Swift, the Kardashians/Jenners, Shawn Mendes, etc being here were communicated by more local famous people like from youtube or tv shows. The music was so loud and it was crazy crowded. I wasn't feeling it. 

"Let's get something to eat I'm famished" Harry held my hand to guide me to wherever he thought the buffet was. Along the way we got stopped at least 6 times to talk to people he knew. He proudly introduced me as his girlfriend and well that's always fun to hear. I was starving though so food was my main priority and small talk kept interrupting that. 

The food looked so good and there were so many options. Both of us filled our plates then continued walking around the room to find our designated table. During dinner people constantly came up to talk to us (mainly Harry) and take pictures, guess this is what I will have to get used to.


All of New York cheered for the ball drop as the clock struck midnight. I was so thankful it finally happened I was exhausted, both Harry and I couldn't keep our eyes open. We kissed for the celebration in a delusional haze and baby snowflakes fell from the sky. The world drowned out as Harry's hands were on my hips and mine were wrapped around his neck. 

"I love you" Harry's gaze locked with mine and I was caught off guard for a second. My mind processed for a few seconds. 

"You what?" I wasn't being ungrateful I was just in slight disbelief. 

"I really love you, being in a fight for a week was the worst feeling I always want you close to me" Was this really happening to me right now?

"I-I love you too" I was hesitant but I meant it. I was elated with emotion and that was the beginning for us for real.  I felt myself getting swept up into the current and I couldn't stop it. The smile on my face beamed and I never wanted to be away from Harry. The emotion overwhelmed him as well and he was excited I could tell.

"Ready to head back to the hotel?" I nodded and he called the driver and we walked to the place he dropped us off. It was a far walk from where we were and people were literally everywhere. Fans left and right yelled for Harry's attention, but he was on a mission to escape. Eventually we made it to the limo and sighed with relief when we were by ourselves away from the chaos. I dozed off during the drive and traffic was so bad, we didn't arrive at the hotel until 1:30 am. 

Harry nudged me awake and I reluctantly stepped out of the car into the dark freezing night with him closely in front of me. My contacts were blurry from having my eyes closed so long so I couldn't see very well, but I was greeted by the warm lights of the hotel lobby. Harry pulled me close in the elevator and I leaned my head on his chest waiting for our floor. Bolting to the room, I quickly took my makeup off, contacts out, washed my face, changed clothes and jumped on the bed forming a ball.

"Baby you have to get under the blankets" Harry spoke softly and I didn't move I just grunted lightly. He laughed and I heard him throw all the decorative pillows on the ground then felt the sheets shift. It was completely dark in our room, but I felt Harry's body close to mine. I moved under the covers and his arms found me then held me tightly. It was so warm, comfortable and quiet as I soon lost consciousness of the world around me. 

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