2. Bad Intentions

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Harry pulled up to an apartment complex and opened his door. I wanted to see if he would be a gentleman and open the door for me but he just stood there waiting. We made eye contact and he was getting more impatient so he finally opened the door for me.

"Brat" I heard him say. I smirked and hopped out.

"You basically just kidnapped me so you can stop now" He scoffed. Knots formed in my stomach with every step up the stairs. He gave me a concerned look but nothing changed. We still walked towards a door that said "13A". He opened it and it was neat and clean, but didn't seem lived in really.

My ribcage vibrated with every nervous heartbeat. What was going to happen?

"Make yourself at home" He really thought he was some saint rescuing me from a situation he has no idea about. He turned on his automatic fire and sat down. I'm convinced he is crazy.

"You know I can't stay here, right?" I crossed my arms over my chest trying to be serious so he knows I'm not kidding around. He sighed knowing this wasn't right.

"Look whatever your name is, that street wasn't valid and didn't show up on my gps. I don't know what your story is but I wasn't about to just drop you off somewhere" Harry stood up locking eyes with me. The wood crackled as it burned and I didn't want to leave. I wanted to take a hot bath and go to sleep, but I couldn't.

"My name is Skylar. I live with my boyfriend Nick and if I don't get home he will literally kill me" He mumbled "fine" then grabbed his coat and keys. "I don't know what your deal is but thanks for trying to help me out or whatever you call this"

"I just- nevermind let's go" His lips tightened and he seemed defeated.

"You just what?" My phone started ringing again and worry rushed through me reading "Nick" on the screen. I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"Hello?" My voice cracked. Damn it.

"Remember when I told you to come home?" He yelled.

"I'm staying at a friends" I leaned on the grey walls making eye contact with Harry who seemed worried, being able to hear everything Nick was saying since he was yelling.

"No you're not come home now before I track you down" I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see the pity on Harry's face.

"It's too late I'm already here. I'll be back in the morning" I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and took a deep breath.

"I will come find you if I have to" The shrilling voice made tears fall on my cheeks.

"I'll be home tomorrow I promise!" I tried yelling but I was weak and scared.

"Why so upset? Are you scared I'm gonna find you sleeping with another man? If you aren't here in 10 minutes I'm coming to find you" He hung up and I was terrified.


"Hey babe can you go get me a drink?" Nick asked as we were making our way to the dance floor.

"Yeah sure" He didn't drink much so I was confused. One minute he was fine and the next he couldn't keep his hands off of me. I was fearful for what was to come.

"S-stop" I begged trying to get away from him. Drink after drink he couldn't stop.

"Let's have some fun" His hands roamed places they shouldn't have and I was trapped.

"Get off" I pushed him then ran. The club was packed but he still tracked me down.

"Come back here!" He ran after me and pulled me in the bathroom then roughly started kissing me. I slapped him as hard as I could and he fell back giving me time to run off. And so I did.

"You're going to pay for that Skylar!" He shouted my way. I remember what happened after though.


No he didn't rape me but he was very close to it. But this time was different. That was a year and a half ago. I was emotionally tortured and the tears didn't stop. My lungs felt like they were being restricted and the room was spinning. This is all Harry's fault. If he just let me go home! I tried to find the bathroom but I could barely see.

"Skylar?" Harry said walking behind me. "Are you okay?" I turned on the sink and looked up to make eye contact with Harry in the mirror.

"You know what Harry if you would have brought me home I wouldn't be here in this situation okay? So don't try and make me feel better because you just made a big mistake because of your stupid intentions! We have to go now" I wiped the last of my tears and stormed out of the apartment.

"I was trying to keep you safe! That neighborhood isn't safe for someone like you!" He pleaded for me to stay but I jumped in the passenger seat ready to leave.

"Someone like me? What are you saying? That I can't defend myself? That I'm some weak girl? Well guess what Harry I can" He slammed the door in my face and walked around the car.

"Skylar I'm sorry" He turned the car on and I watched as my breath left my mouth formed small clouds in the car before disappearing.

"I have 10 minutes to get home before we are both dead. Drive" I demanded and so he did. I glanced at the clock and it was almost 2:30 AM. Great.

The car was silent and hardly anyone was driving around this time of night. Thoughts ran through my head and I started to feel the throbbing. I closed my eyes and played a memory of when I was 9 before everything in my life went sour.

My dad and I were going Christmas tree shopping and I was sitting on his shoulders touching each tree we passed.

"Nope nope nope. We haven't found the right one dad! It has to be perfect for mom!" He laughed tugging at my feet making me giggle.

"Sky we gotta pick one sometime" I gasped when I saw a gorgeous dark green tall but not too big tree.

"Dad put me down put me down!" Once he did I ran towards it gawking at the tree. I turned around and pointed at it. "This one this one please dad!!!"

He nodded and said okay. The memory faded when I felt the car come to a stop. The couple of seconds of joy I felt were gone knowing where I was.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Harry asked and I nodded. I got out of the car and saw a dark figured coming towards me.

"The little whore is back" He grabbed my wrist and practically crushed it in anger causing me to wince and bite my lip. Nick's attention flickered to something behind me and a devious grin grew on his face. I whipped around to see Harry fuming. "And who is this Skylar?"

"Get off of her you jerk" Harry pulled me away from him. My body was going numb and I couldn't think. Nick glared at me knowing he wouldn't hit me in front of Harry, but he would once we were alone.

"And who are you?" Nick let go of me and the two of them faced each other, each ready to attack.

"Don't touch her like that ever again" Dear God Harry be smart. If he gets punched that's his fault.

"Nick let's just go upstairs" I stepped in between them. He glanced at me then back at Harry.

"If I ever see you again I will kill you" Nick spat at Harry and I just ran.

"Harry leave just leave!" I yelled. Nick caught up to me on the stair case. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry standing where he was looking at me desperately wanting to do something.

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