18. Butterflies

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The microwave dinged and I pulled the plate out calling Harry to the kitchen. He had changed into grey sweatpants and a white tank top showing off his arms. He looked... hot. I don't even think he realizes how hot he is. Apparently I didn't either. I reached for the bottle of wine to refill my glass while Harry sat at the table. We talked while he ate and I continued getting sillier with each sip of wine and minute that passed. 

My eyes grew heavy and I checked the time. 11:47. Harry noticed but I tried not to act like I was tired, because we had never interacted so normally. The only long talks we have had have involved heavy amounts of alcohol and I was only slightly tipsy. 

"So what else did you discover when you were digging around in my stuff?" He smiled accusingly leaning on the counter and folding his arms over his chest causing his biceps to bulge. 

"I found some adorable baby pictures of you" I set my glass down in the sink standing across from him. 

"Really now? And when did you think it was appropriate to go through someone else's things?" I giggled like a child knowing I wasn't realllyyy in trouble. 

"I couldn't resist, but you have nothing to be ashamed of"

"Eh open the wrong yearbook and you might be disappointed" He laughed rubbing his eyes. I prayed he wasn't about to go to bed, I didn't want the night to end. 

"I doubt that"

"Something's different" His eyebrows furrowed together. An invisible question mark was planted on my face, I frankly was too exhausted to know what he was referencing. "With you"

"With me? What about me?" Heat started building up under my sweater and I was nervous for the answer. Did he think I liked him or something? Did I like him or something...? 

"You're all smiley and giggly" 

"Is that a crime?" I poked him in the stomach as an excuse to get closer to him. Now only a couple inches separated my chest from his. 

"Not at all, it's a good different" His voice made me melt, and I had a whole new perception of Harry now.

"Well I'm happy here. Everything is so much better and I really am happy..with you" The air around us continued heating up in a good way and I stared at him in that very obvious I-wanna-kiss-you-now way. My heart was racing and my stomach was doing flips as he started leaning closer to me. 

He smiled planting his lips softly on mine. I closed my eyes and felt like I was in a dream full of fireworks. Harry's hands moved around my hips pulling me closer to him getting rid of the space between us. I gripped his arms and yes they were better than I imagined. I felt lighter and any weight of the world on me was lifted. 

The feeling of kissing Harry was something I don't think I have ever experienced with anyone yet it doesn't feel like I have had to wait forever for. It was a mix of gentleness but eagerness for more passion. That in and of itself was a new drug. Those couple of seconds were so blissful and I was mad at myself it hadn't happened sooner. 

"You're happy here?" He asked and I nodded laying my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. He held me in a tight embrace. 

"What about you, are you happy with me here Harry?" Our hands found their way to each other and his were so warm as they grasped mine. 

"Mhm, I wasn't sure how long it would take for me to win you over, but I guess you finally let me" I shook my head kissing him again, this time more reassured and comfortable but still as heavenly as the first. Minutes of passionate kissing passed. 

"As amazing as this and you are, I'm so tired Sky" Harry moved a cluster of hair behind my ear sending a trail of fire down my shoulder then to every cell in my body. 

"Yeah me too it's been a long day" I walked into the living room turning the Christmas lights off and making sure the fire died out. It was now completely dark and Harry's shadow moved closer to me as he grabbed my hand leading me upstairs. Insecurity and anxiety washed over me wondering if we would sleep in the same bed or part ways. 

Walking me to my room he sat on my bed and watched as I put my hair in a ponytail. My cheeks flushed meeting his gaze. I brushed my teeth then saw Harry make his way over to me. He kissed me one more time. 

"Feel free to join me" He winked leaving my room and closing the door behind him. I tensed up at first then hurried and washed my face. Slipping my leggings off I tiptoed over to his room. He was already laid down tucked in. A sigh of relief and excitement escaped his lips as I sat on the bed gracefully sliding under the covers. Harry leaned off the bed to turn the lamp off then used his strength to pull my body next to his. His bare skin was so smooth and toned. I lit up as his hand brushed against my bare legs and then up my sweater landing on my lower back. 

"You're beautiful" He whispered and even though it was dark I knew his eyes were burning into me. I played with his curls kissing his forehead. 

"Mhm sure" I bit my lip trying to contain the butterflies. "Are you feeling better?"

"I am" Any apprehensions or worries I had about Harry and relationships in general faded for now. I knew I was safe where I was and I could sleep at peace with the craziness that is my life.

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