19. Royalty

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I stood in the isle anxiously tapping my foot on the gorgeous marble floor of Louis Vuitton. Christmas was in three days and Harry has literally given me a new life so I wanted to get him something special. I'm sure he could buy the whole store so he'll probably get mad at me for spending so much money on him, but he deserves it. I was torn between three watches. Each one was so beautiful in the crafting and precision. Price wasn't much of a deal breaker considering they were all pretty equal, but I didn't want something flashy. 

"Anything I can do to help, Miss?" I jumped at the words of the polite older man. I don't think I have ever been in such a glamorous high end store, but I was definitely impressed. All the men guarded the perimeters dressed in sharp tuxes with ear pieces and almost unnoticeable microphones. It was as if they were protecting the Queen of England. The chandelier dangled with light pouring through the crystals, reflecting on the ground. I felt like I didn't belong here, but the man assisting me treated me with respect.

"Um I'm so flustered, I love all three, but I can't decide" I stuttered pointing to the three locked in the glass case. "It has to be perfect" I added.

"Miss, any man would think it's perfect, only you are worried about the details" He laughed reassuring me. I was overthinking it, Harry would be grateful if I bought him a pair of flip flops. Actually I take that back it's too cold in London for flip flops. 

"My favorite is the gold rimmed one with the black backing and leather strap" He gestured to the one he was wearing, which happened to be one of my choices. It was sleek, but still manly and impressive. After many more moments of going back and forth, I went for that one. As he rang me up, handing over my credit card and seeing the price on the screen made me feel dizzy. Guess that's where my first paycheck will go. That is if you get the job, my subconscious reminded me. She is so annoying all the time. I've never spent so much on one item, but I wanted to for Harry to show him how much I appreciate everything he's done. And I'm also crushing on him.

After thanking the man and taking the small precious black LV printed bag, I couldn't be more excited. I understand why people shop so much, it gives you such a rush. My whole body was tingling and thinking about Harry's Christmas party made me nervous. Who would be there? Would they like me? Would they know I was basically poor and enslaved not too long ago? Probably. The party is on Christmas Eve and I have nothing to wear, I don't even know the dress code. I pulled out my phone to call Harry.

"It's so early why are you calling me?" He whined. I obviously just woke him up because his voice was scratchy and deeper than normal. Checking my watch, it was almost 1.

"It's literally the middle of the day Harry get up" I laughed. "What is the dress code for this party?"

"You don't have to wear clothes if you don't want to" My cheeks heated up and tightened into a smirk. 

"Harry come on what will everyone else be wearing?" He was so good at flirting I wanted to go home immediately and cuddle up next to him. 

"Erm super fancy. Long dresses and tuxes" Shit I definitely need to keep shopping. "Where are you? Come home" 

"I need a dress I'll be back soon" He groaned and I hung up the phone planning my list of stores I wanted to check out. I started from the affordable ones, but only the designer stores had long formal dresses appropriate for the party. In the window of Chanel were the most gorgeous dresses I have only seen worn on celebrities. I couldn't resist.

A woman assisted me bringing each dress that caught my eye to a fitting room. Because it was a Christmas party I wanted it to be a royal color that would mesh well with the theme. In the center of the fitting rooms was a platform and mirrors on all the walls. My first dress was a gold shimmery form fitting mermaid style dress that hugged my hips and showed slight cleavage. I loved it but I did not want to command the attention of everyone there, so I decided against that one. 

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