20. Fear of the Unknown

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I stared at myself in the mirror examining the fresh buzzing purple marks Harry had left. I was so smitten with him, I couldn't stop replaying every interaction over and over in my head. I have never felt so safe with someone before and now that I do I want to be on top of him all the time. You and a billion other girls around the world. I could melt every time he smiles at me or hugs me or kisses me. 

Thoughts of Harry sidetracked me as I tried getting ready, but eventually I was dressed in jeans, a sweater, a beanie and a scarf. My hair was blow dried and flat and my makeup was simple, except for the 3 pounds of concealer I used on my neck to cover up a few things. I heard the boys screaming at each other from downstairs. I wish I could steal Harry away from them and keep him all for myself, but this is good. He's had a rough time with the split and I need friends. Eleanor would be here soon, so I slipped my boots on and grabbed my thick coat. 

Walking down the stairs, I saw Niall and Louis going at it on the game and Harry, Zayn and Liam watched. I could feel tension from Liam but I'm sure he understands. We didn't really talk much after everything happened so it's awkward, but he has to know that Harry met me first and I am living with him.

Harry's eyes darted towards me full of lust like they were earlier, reminding me of the arousal. I smirked walking behind the couch where he was sitting and wrapped my arms around his neck gently kissing him on the cheek. 

"I missed you" Harry shifted to face me and smiled then winked. 

"When are you leaving?" He asked holding my hand. 

"Soon I think" Pulling me out of my trance, Niall fell to his knees yelling at himself and at Louis for beating him. 

"You all suck" Louis laughed falling on the couch. 

"I don't know why we try to win anymore" Liam said. 

"I was doing pretty well" Harry defended. 

"Not even close! You can barely aim!" Zayn shut him down and Harry just shook his head. 

"I can't believe you agreed to go skating with El, she's been begging me forever but it's so cold. Good luck" Something about Louis's tone made me worry about the cold, but it's nothing I'm not used to. 

"I'm sure we'll be fine" I shrugged walking into the kitchen to grab some water.

"Skylar can you even skate?" Harry added in a slightly rude manner, but I'm sure it wasn't intentional. 

"How hard can it be? I was a pro when I was younger" My voice lacked so much confidence, it was laughable. 

"Do you have gloves? If you fall your hands will turn into ice then you'll get hypothermia" Niall reminded me, and rolling my eyes, I reluctantly walked upstairs to find gloves. 

"You guys are so annoying!" I yelled. My phone buzzed and Eleanor was waiting in the drive way. I shoved a pair of gloves in my pocket of my coat then hurried downstairs. "I'm leaving, I shouldn't be too long" Harry blushed as I kissed him on the cheek.

"Call me if you need anything" He shouted as I was closing the door. Your clumsy ass will probably need it. Ignoring my subconscious, I opened the passenger side of her car.

"Hey girl you look cute!" El smiled. I again was nervous, not really ever hanging out alone with Eleanor. I can't remember the last time I had girlfriends, and I've never grown out of my awkward phase.

"Thanks! The boys were making fun of me, they don't think I'm capable of ice skating" I jokingly sassed.

"They're idiots, Lou has been ignoring my pleas to go for a month now and I'm over it" She screamed while laughing and hitting the steering wheel.

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