26. What?

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Thirty or so minutes had passed since the journalist and I talked. The whole house was filled, and a thick blanket of chatter filled the atmosphere and vibrated the walls. I was probably on my    third or fourth glass of champagne, which was not good. I still saw no sign of Harry's family and I needed to make a good impression. I hoped drinking would calm my nerves, but if anything it just caused me to be sloppy and anxious about how I appeared right now. There's always a hint of paranoia wondering, Do I look drunk right now? How squinty are my eyes? Am I talking normally? 

Instead of having a panic attack, I finished the glass of champagne then fixed myself a plate of fettuccini alfredo, bread, and sliced chicken smothered in gravy. Taking a glass of water along the way, I went outside where only a small number of people were. I was freezing instantly but found a table close to the heater. Thankfully I also was overheated due to the alcohol so this helped sober me up and slow down the incoming alcohol.

"There you are! I've been looking for you forever!" Eleanor's voice caught my attention, and I was taken aback at how gorgeous she looked. Her navy dress hugged every curve on her body and her hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail. 

"Hey Eleanor! Yeah sorry I'm overwhelmed with all of this and I think I drank too much. I'm trying to make a good impression for Harry's mom and sister" I felt my head getting foggy and my legs grew slightly unbalanced.

"Don't be worried, just calm down and be you, I really think they'll love you. They're such sweet people, you have nothing to be worried about. Just hold off on the wine Sky" She giggled as she stole my fork and twisted it in the pasta, taking a bite for herself. 

"You're right, so who all famous is here?" I sipped the water, eying the backyard making sure Harry hadn't come to find me.

"Just a couple of Victoria's Secret models that Harry dated" My stomach grew uneasy and she had a paranoid look on her face, regretting what she had just said. "Oh my gosh I'm an idiot I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. Please don't worry. He is just friends with so many people, you know Harry, everyone loves him" 

Though her first comment didn't help, I had no choice but to trust him and I did. I really believed he would be faithful to me and cordial to others, that's just who he is. "No you're fine, I understand, it's okay it doesn't bother me" I watched as El continued eating my pasta as messily as possible, getting white sauce on her chin. We made eye contact and couldn't help but to laugh as she started spilling bits of pasta on her probably very expensive dress.

"Holy crap this is a mess! Why am I disabled?" She fake cried taking a napkin (also mine) to clean herself up. It wasn't noticeable afterwards, but it was very comical.

"Dude, get your life together" I continued making fun of her, while we giggled, very very tipsy. I force-fed myself so she didn't steal anymore, but all that did was make it hard to breath and laugh. 

"Shut up" She practically chugged whatever was in her glass and I finished my plate of food. "Let's go get more food" I nodded, feeling like we were eight years old at a family Christmas party running around stealing desserts and hiding. We swiftly walked into the kitchen trying not to be noticed or stopped by anyone. The world was spinning and I tried keeping my composure as I grabbed another plate to stack chocolate covered strawberries, sugar cookies, and more bread. Eleanor had two plates, which made both of us look like we had serious munchies. I figured since we were eating more, I could handle another drink. So I acted as if I was perfectly sober walking up to the bar tender, requesting a glass. Eleanor couldn't hold anything else, so both of us retreated outside again.

"Where did you get that dress?" She asked me as she set both plates on the same table we previously were at.

"Chanel" I winked. "I put it on my new credit card that I just got" Shut up you're still poor and don't have a job. 

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