24. Get Out

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The hot plate burned my hand as I used the hem of my sweater to absorb some of the heat while I tried making my way upstairs before Harry saw me. I wanted to eat in peace, relax alone, and then talk to him about why I'm so upset and nervous. He deserves to know and I figured it was obvious, but I guess not. I saw Harry walking inside so I bolted to my room trying to conceal how out of shape and out of breath I was. The evil piercing voice was loud and obnoxious in the living room and I stood by the door frame hidden without closing it so I could hear what she had to say about me. I knew it was wrong, but I felt like I deserved to know what I was getting myself into. 

"Everything looks good Jo I think we can call it a day" Harry sounded tired and I knew last night was emotionally draining for both of us. The last thing I'm sure he wanted to do was set up for this party. 

"Harry what do you think you're doing?" The manager sounded similar to a school teacher scolding a child for stealing, it was chilling and uncomfortable and I wanted to save Harry from her.

"Jo I don't want to hear it" He snapped cutting the conversation off. 

She was relentless though, "You really think taking in some orphan is a good idea right now?" My blood boiled and the hair on the nape of my next started burning. She has no right to tell Harry how to live his life and she doesn't even know the circumstances. 

"She isn't an orphan, she's my girlfriend" He wasn't shouting oddly enough, I couldn't tell what his expression was. I couldn't tell what his reaction was to her statement. I wish I could see his face.

"Harry for God's sakes, she's homeless! You really didn't think I knew about her?" What angle is she playing from right now? 

"You don't know anything about her! You're wrong" His voice rose, but he seemed more afraid of her than angry. Would he compromise me to make her happy? Or his fans? The insecurity and fear for how people would react to us and me was swallowing me up now.

"No you are wrong! I've had a private investigator on her since she was seen leaving a club with non other than Harry Styles! I don't think you want to get involved with her" Harry was silent and in just as much shock as I was. Someone has been investigating me? How much do they know? Have I been stalked? The chicken on my plate made me sick and I didn't have an appetite anymore, but I couldn't leave my spot. 

"Do you not know what she's done? If the information that I have on her gets out, she could face 25 years in prison!" My knees buckled and I couldn't stand anymore. I sunk to the ground with my back propped up against the wall still waiting for more information. 25 years in prison? I haven't even been alive for that long. I knew I used Nick's credit card, but I didn't see it as much as a felony because we dated for two years, if you could call it dating. Harry is going to be done with me after this. Warm tears welcomed my cheeks again without warning. Everything was going well with him. I didn't think anything could ruin it and he knew I used Nick's credit card so it wouldn't come as a shock. Okay but 25 years in prison puts things into perspective Skylar. My eyelids were glued shut and I wanted to go to sleep and never wake up again. I stifled my breathing so I didn't miss anymore of the conversation. I was itching to hear what Harry had to say but there was nothing. It felt like a lifetime waiting to hear his deep English accent vibrate through the house, but it never came. 

"Journalists from TMZ, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Buzzfeed, and some other social media platforms will be here. Cece Blake will be here and I have already spoken to her about a fabricated relationship between the two of you so you will need to be around her the whole party and acting like you're together" Great. Now I have to talk to journalists. I'll just tell them the best parts of myself so that can be highlighted for them to post. If I say nothing who knows what will end up on the internet.

"I'm not doing that" Harry laughed refusing her. I wanted to be confident he would choose me over a fake relationship, but I didn't want her manipulating him anymore than she already has. 

"This is what is best for you, the breakup of the band is happening and we need to pair it with some good news about how you're thriving still! Do not tell them you are in a relationship with a felon or so help me-"Her angry demand was cut off by his much more powerful voice. My heart was still hopeless and I doubted this would end well. I laughed at myself a couple days ago who thought this would be a family gathering. 

"Or what? You work for me! And with all of this going on I don't want you working for me, so get out!" My eyes shot open replaying his words again in my head. Did I just hear that?

"You can't fire me you need me! And you want me on your side, because I have the power to leak all the information about your charity case!" I wasn't phased by her insults anymore, I was just distraught from hearing all of this. With blurry vision from crying I forced myself to take bites of the chicken so I didn't feel like I would pass out. 

"GET OUT! A manager is supposed to make sure my career is on track and I just lost that so you don't have a purpose anymore!" I've never heard Harry yell so loudly and angrily. Goosebumps formed on my arms and I quietly closed the door and sprinted to my bed to turn the tv on. I didn't want him to be mad I was listening. The last few seconds haunted me because Nick would always yell like that at me and I never wanted Harry to put me in a position like that again. I never could have imagined him sounding so angry. The front door slammed so hard I swear the house shook. I wiped my tears and ate my dinner like a scared child hoping no one suspected anything was wrong. 

Harry stomped up the stairs and I held my breath waiting for him to barge in, but he didn't. Instead I heard his bedroom door shut just as loudly as the front door. Instinctively I wanted to hide until everything felt calmer, but with Harry I wanted to check on him. Fear stopped me so I figured I'd wait a while to give him some space. Both of us weren't in good places and I prayed it would be smoother tomorrow. 

I slipped my leggings and socks off then snuggled my way under the covers enjoying the warm confinement. I wasn't clear on my sleeping rules, but my body sunk into the mattress and I couldn't stop my brain from crashing. The sound of Harry's shower caught my attention, but didn't affect me too much. My mind drifted thinking about random things that didn't make sense and I couldn't worry about the party anymore. My energy was spent and whatever happened happened. That in itself was scary, but I focused on the sound of the water. 


My thoughts were becoming deluded of what was real and what wasn't. Unaware of the time that passed, I noticed it was silent and the water had stopped running. The fluffy duvet hugging my bed covered my ear slightly, but I could still pick up on certain things. I faced away from the door but it sounded like it was being open. I assumed I was imagining things so I kept my eyes closed hoping to drift back to sleep. Footsteps scared me for a split second, but I knew it was Harry which made me smile into the pillow. I pretended to be asleep as he gently lifted the covers and laid down next to me. 

I could sense his buzzing thoughts that stressed him and I didn't want him to worry about me. His head softly laid on the pillow next to mine and his torso pressed up against my hip. I tried my best not to move so it seemed I was still asleep but Harry's hand squeezed my stomach causing me to spaz out of control and giggle like a toddler.

"I knew you were awake" He laughed calmly. I was kind of creeped out by how quickly his mood shifted, but I wouldn't have wanted anything different. I flipped and faced him stretching my arms towards him. One slithered under his pillow and the other was resting on his rib cage.

"How could you tell?" His hair was damp from the shower complimenting his eyes that were bright and full of life. All my worries and insecurities fled. 

"I don't know I hoped you were awake. I can't have you falling into a coma" I yawned resting my head next to his. It was still early in the day but I couldn't stay awake any longer. 

"Okay well if I stop breathing then you can worry about me" I whispered tiredly. 

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