16. All Good Things Must Come to an End

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"What we are looking for is someone to manage the shipping, delivering, and how well our products do in stores. For someone who got her degree almost two years ago, you would need to take a few classes in management and finance before you could get the job" My heart was racing as I was trying to comprehend everything going on in this moment. Tarte Cosmetics called me in for an interview after receiving my resume. Working with makeup on a legitimate salary is a dream job.

"Yes of course I could do that" I nodded nervously. The uptight woman sitting behind the desk was very intimidating wearing a professional black pantsuit with her hair perfectly slicked back into a ponytail. Her makeup was clean and flawless; though I think it has to be for someone working at a cosmetic company.

"And where do you live again?" The judgement dripping off her words made me feel embarrassed, do I say I live with a famous boybander or a psycho rapist in a dingy apartment?

"Lakewood Estates" I replied with very little confidence. She hummed to herself in confusion.

"Yet you got her via the bus?" I bit the inside of my cheek, who did this woman think she was? This is a job interview not 20 questions! Well in a way I guess those do go hand in hand... Before she could ask anymore personal questions I got the subject back on the actual job.

"Would it be possible to start the job and the management class at the same time?" She laughed as if I was crazy. I really wanted this job, but at this point I doubted I would get it.

"Definitely not. We need you to be prepared. It should only take one semester to complete the courses. If you do well, you can send us your results then we will consider you for the job. We are flexible and if I'm being honest, nowadays your degree isn't worth much. We need you to take three courses for you to be eligible for a couple different jobs here. If you really want to secure something here, the more classes you take the higher you will get paid. I would suggest taking five courses, making you a full time student. We cannot pay your tuition, but the starting rate for you would be immensely higher." She slid me a piece of paper with the information on the class.

"Okay thank you" I threw my purse on my shoulder then headed out of there. My black pumps clicked on the marble floors of the prestigious building. I would love to work here it is so clean and nice. If I had my own office it would have a giant window over looking the city. I was apprehensive about becoming a full time student, considering I haven't been to school in years, but my salary rate would be fantastic.

I found a bathroom then put on my change of clothes I had in my purse so I could go look for a car, since I would need a way to get to class and hopefully a job. Sitting at the bus stop I checked my phone accepting some more old friends on Facebook, scrolling through Instagram and Twitter. Of course there are somehow pictures of Harry and I everywhere, but I am just the mystery girl. I got a text from Harry.

Going to be recording all day, probably won't be home till late.

The bus finally came and dropped me off close to a dealership. I walked about half a mile until I arrived at Honda. Thankfully it was a gorgeous day in London, the sun was out but it was still cold. Christmas is coming up soon, we still do not have a tree or presents! What an outrage. I decided to text Harry to see if we can get a tree tomorrow.

Are you busy tomorrow?

I will probably be recording again, why?

I want to get a tree!

We can go shopping around 5.

After hours of looking, test driving, and filling out paperwork, I handed over the cash for a brand new car. It wasn't super fancy like Harry's, but I didn't need lavish, I just needed something to get around in. It felt so nice to drive out of that parking lot, I felt like I had real freedom. Thankfully I had some cash leftover so I decided to go to the bank to set up a savings account and credit card for when I eventually get a job.


Finally I was home. I spent the whole day running around getting food, cook books, credit cards, etc. Shopping was fun with a credit card and my own car. It was 8 and Harry still wasn't home. I started cooking so we could have a lot of leftovers, since there has been no food in this house at all.


"Are you guys even a band anymore, because it doesn't sound like it?" Our studio manager yelled at us after we spent an hour attempting to record the same song.

"I don't know what more you want from us, Brad!" Zayn shouted. "We did our best singing the song you wanted us to!"

"I'm tired of this we haven't gotten anywhere in months" I said rubbing my temples. Honestly the band has been dragging along, our fans our losing hope in us and this next album isn't going to go well or even be produced at this rate. Our contract with the record label says we have to have an album ready to be launched by February of next year. That only gives us a month to finish writing new songs and record them to perfection. Therefore we are running out of time.

"That's because none of you guys are putting in the effort! As your studio manager I have an ultimatum to meet and if I can't, it's over for One Direction" The room filled with a saddened silence. Even though that's where our minds were, it was hard hearing it out loud.

"Well I'm not giving up that easily! We have worked so hard over the last couple years, do you know how much that would crush our fans?" Niall outraged. He was the only one who was still fighting. The looks on everyone's faces showed that maybe this journey is supposed to end soon.

"The band has to end at some point Niall" Louis stated in a monotoned voice.

"Are you kidding me right now? Everything we have worked for just for you guys to give up!" Niall continued as his eyes filled with tears. A lump formed in my throat thinking this could very well be the end of things.

"No matter what happens we are still brothers at heart, Niall look it just isn't working out" Liam said, everyone nodded along.

"So what is it gonna be guys?" Brad asked harshly crossing his arms over his chest.

"Can we have more time?" I asked.

"No there is no more time left. If it's over I need to know now, we can't wait till February to tell the label that we don't have any songs" He sighed disappointed. "Look I'll leave you to work it out"

"You guys can't be serious right now" Niall shook his head in disbelief.

"Niall we have been working on the same three songs since August. December is half way over. We aren't getting anywhere" Zayn stated.

"It's been a good run, but all good things have to end at some point"

The rest of the conversation was just painful, we all knew what was going to happen, we just didn't want to leave that room, because then it really would be over.

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