The Balcony

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         Hey guys I hope y'all enjoy and I plan on writing over the weekend and on Monday because.... EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!! Ahh it was torture, eight exams. Anyways I hope you enjoy and make sure to keep voting and reading. I love y'all.


Christine's POV

    I was suddenly pulled by Erik as he led the children towards their rooms where they would be staying. Aria and Charlotte shared one room, while the boys hared another. I gently tucked in the little ones and sang to them before Erik lead me in my old room.

   " It still looks the same," he says, wrapping his arms around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. Raoul suddenly flashed into my mind and I could feel myself becoming warm and the room started to spin. " Christine, what's wrong," Erik says as he realized that I was starting to sway. " I'm alright I just need to get some fresh air," I say and he starts to walk with me but I nod my head. " I have to think some things through, don't worry darling, I'll be back soon," I say before kissing his cheek.

     I make my way to the stairs and walk around backstage until I see the spiral stairwell. It felt like just yesterday that I was leading Raoul up where, away from Erik. I slowly walked up the staircase as the memories flooded back to me.

But his voice filled my spirit with a strange sweet sound

In the night there was music in my mind

And through music my soul began to soar

And I heard as I never heard before

   I finally open the doors and I see Raoul standing there. He spins around to face me and his face brightens. " Christine," he says as he runs up and hugs me. " Raoul," I say and stare at him, " why did I have to come up here Raoul, I should be back with him, he'll get worried." he just shakes his head, " Do not worry Lottie, we'll be alright," he says. " That didn't answer my question Raoul, why am I supposed to be here," I snap. " We need to talk Christine, about many things," he says and I nod.

  " First off, I want to ask you about Erik, how long have you been married," he asks and it shocks me. " Five years, our anniversary was last month," I tell him and he nods. " Do you love him," he asks and it stuns me. " Of course why would you think I wouldn't," I ask him surprised. " For starters you're standing here right now with me and secondly, you didn't love me when we where married," he says and I refrain myself from smacking him.

   " How dare you say that I am not faithful to my husband and you shouldn't be saying anything Raoul, what about your fiancé," I ask and he rolls his eyes. " I could care less about Victoria, my mother made me marry her, besides I am in love with another woman," he says. " If you don't mind me asking Raoul, who," I ask. He looks into my eyes and lays his hand on my cheek, " You Little Lottie, I have and will always love you," he says softly.

  " Raoul," I try to say something, " but why me, you could have any woman, but yet you chose me." He just smiles at me, " One of the things I love about you Lottie, sometimes you cannot see how wonderful you can be," he whispers. I just stand there in awe of what he just said, " Sing with me Christine, please," he says and I nod.

   Then suddenly I feel a stare on my back and I turn around to see the empty balcony. I start to walk forward but Raoul's voice calls me.

Christine, Christine

   I walk back over to him and I swear that I could hear a familiar voice singing behind me.


   Raoul takes my hands into his as he leads me towards him.

No more talk of darkness, forget these wide-eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you my words will warm and calm you
Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears
I'm here with you, beside you to guard you and to guide you

Say you love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Say you need me with you, now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you

Let me be your shelter, let me be your light
You're safe, no one will find you, your fears are far behind you
All I want is freedom, a world with no more night
And you always beside me, to hold me and to hide me

Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Let me lead you from your solitude
Say you need me with you, here beside you
Anywhere you go, let me go too
Christine, that's all I ask of you

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Say the word and I will follow you
Share each day with me, each night, each morning
Say you love me, you know I do
Love me, that's all I ask of you

   Before I can walk away I fell Raoul's lips on mine. His hands grip onto my waist and he holds me into him as he gently kisses me. I try to object but he continues to keep kissing e and I give up on trying to reject. For this one time I let myself kiss Raoul. He finally breaks it off and he smiles widely, " I knew it Christine, I knew you loved me," he says and quickly kisses me before walking away.

   Oh God, what have I done.


Erik's POV

  I knew that something was going on with Christine the moment she said that she needed to get air alone. a few seconds after she had left I slowly followed her. She stood at the stairwell and gently started to sing.

But his voice filled my spirit with a strange sweet sound

In the night there was music in my mind

And through music my soul began to soar

And I heard as I never heard before

  She quickly made her way up to the balcony, so I took the long way around and decided to head to the farthest side of the balcony. I walk out to see Christine talking to Raoul. Then it hit me, she came up here to meet him. I start to listen to there conversation and my heart breaks at what I hear.

" You, Little Lottie, I love you."

  No, no she cannot leave me for him, our children, what about them?

   Suddenly I start to hear them sing and I can feel my soul dying at what they're singing. Suddenly I hear her singing.

Say you love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Say you need me with you, now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you

   She would sing that to me and I always thought of it as her confessing her love for me, I thought she would only sing that to be, but know, she's singing it to Raoul. Suddenly they stop singing and I turn to face them and can feel my nails digging deep into the palm of my hand. How dare she kiss him, how dare she kiss another man. How dare he lay a hand on my wife.

   He breaks it off and smiles like an idiot, " I knew it Christine, I knew you loved me," he says before running off. She's standing there, holding herself and I can hear her muttering to herself. " Oh God what have I done."

I gave you my music . . .
made your song take wing . . .
and now, how you've
repaid me:
denied me
and betrayed me . . .

   She turns to face me and her faces pales in horror. " Erik, please this is not what it looks like, I can assure you," she tires to plead me.

You will curse the day you did not do!
All that the Phantom asked of you!

   " We are through Christine," I spit at her.



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