They've Returned

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Hey guys!! I want to make notice that I only get about 2 votes per chapter and 36 people read each chapter. I makes me feel like you guys don't appreciate my writing when I get only one or two votes. Sorry for ranting and complaining, enjoy!! Keep reading and voting!!

Christine's POV

By the time we had arrived, newsies were surrounding the Opera Populaire, which caused Erik to flee. I slowly started to make my way up to the stairs, which caused the press to stare at me like a piece of fresh meat.

"Miss Daae, Miss Daae," I heard them shout. A group of young Parisian women surrounded me, "Miss Daae, where were you at such an early hour," one asks me, as she held up her notebook. "I was visiting the cemetery," I respond and they look at me appalled.

"Why," they all ask. "That is none of your business," I snap at them, already feeling the toll of my child's death affect my mood. "I'm very sorry," I apologize, after seeing the look of disgust on their faces. "I... I must get going," I say, picking up my dress, so it didn't drag on the stairwell.

I was almost at the door when a hand grabbed my arm. I turned around to see another reporter, "Miss Daae, could I just get one question," he asks me, holding out a red rose for me. "Of course, but if you don't mind could it be quick, I have rehearsals that need to take place," I ask him.

He nods, "It has come to our attention that the Opera Ghost has began to reappear, is it true that you are having an affair with him?"

I cover my mouth as I gasp, appalled that he would ever ask me that in public. "Monsieur, what I do with the Opera Ghost is for only he and I to know, especially not you and your group of gossip rats," I snap and everyone begins to write, "if you will excuse me, I rehearsals to supervise," I say.

I could hear their whispers of disgust as I shut the grand doors. All of the maids who were busy cleaning stepped aside as I stomped through the door, feeling humiliated and disgusted. I head into my dressing room and change into a lighter dress.

I could hear the cast talking through the doors. I slammed them open, causing the entire group to become silent. "Madame Destler," they all say as I walk onto the stage. "Alright, Nicolas," I say and he snaps his head up, "let's go over the ending shall we."

He nods, "Shall I be tied up," he asks as the prop was lowered onto the stage. "Yes, we haven't practiced it before and our performance is tomorrow." He slowly walks over to the gate and I grab the Punjab lasso.

He looks at the lasso as I begin to tie him down, "Tell me if it's too tight," I say smiling at him. A small smile appears on his face, "Is that... you know the same.." he asks him nervously. I shake my head, "No of course not, it was burned in the fire."

I carefully slip his head through the noose and gently tighten it as I tie it through the gaps in the prop. I let him sit there as I remember what I have to do. I stand in the center, "Excuse me," I say grabbing their attention. "I have an announcement... My husband is not able to make it, so the Opera Ghost will be... playing himself," I say slowly.


The song begins and Erik's powerful voice fills the room, and I heard the same hatred as I did that very same night.

Order your fine horses now!

Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes!

Nothing can save you now,

Except, perhaps, Christine...

Start a new life with me.

Buy his freedom with your love!

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