Down Once More

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Hey guys, I am very sorry for being gone for a while, I had some things that needed to be done. Anyways, I will be wrapping this story up soon, so I can concetrate on my new story. Anyways thanks for 30K and keep reading and voting, enjoy! 

Christine's POV 

Erik had set up a secret passageway, that led us to the ramp up above the stage. He dragged me along like a lifeless doll, and he was completely unfazed by my screams of pain. The ramp appears and I try to pull back as hard as I could, but Erik was stronger than I. 

He steps up onto the ramp and I follow, grabbing onto the rail, trying to get away from him. 

Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair...

Down we plunge to the prison of my mind...

Down that path into darkness deep as hell!

Why, you ask,

Was I bound and chained

In this cold and dismal place?

Not for any mortal sin,

But the wickedness of my abhorrent face!

He continues to drag me down the length of the ramp. His words are harsh and cruel, and I can feel myself on the verge of crying. He stops halfway and looks me in the eye as he spits the harsh words at me. I keep turning my face away from his, for I couldn't bear to look him in the eyes. He continues to sing and I try to get away from him, but his grip was harsh and tight. 

Track down this murderer,

He must be found!

Hunt down this murderer,

He must be found!

The mob sings in the background, and I can hear the sound of metal in the background and I knew they were coming for us. Erik's cold voice rings out and I turn to face him, and he grabs my arms and pulls me close to him as he cries out, his voice filled with pain and anguish. 

I continue to look him in the eye, and his look back into mine. I try and steady my breath and hold back the tears, but his big blue eyes show so much pain, and I feel a tear slide down my cheek. He keeps crying at me, and I keep trying to turn my face away. We reach the end of the ramp and with one final pull, we disappear into darkness. 

Hounded out by everyone,

Met with hatred everywhere,

No kind words from anyone,

No compassion anywhere...


Why, why...?

Erik leads me to the small dressing room we had put backstage and hands me my wedding dress. We don't say anything to each other, as I get changed. He grabs my wrist once I have gotten changed and leads me to the stage. I look back and Erik and then at the stairs, before I run in front of him, onto the stage. I stand in the center and back sure that there is distance between us. 

Have you gorged yourself at last

In your lust for blood?

Am I now to be prey

to your lust for flesh?

Erik walks out after me, holding onto the wedding veil I wore the night that this truly happened fifteen years ago. I look at him, and sing, and I could hear my voice turning cold, and Erik's eyes flash with pain before they return back to anger. 

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