Scar Hidden Hearts

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Hey guys, I just want to give a really huge thank you to you guys for almost 7K reads!!! You guys are seriously amazing and I want to virtually hug each and every one of you. Enjoy and keep reading and voting!! 

Christine's POV 

Six Months Later 

I was in a peaceful sleep until Erik begin to squirm. I tried to ignore it but then he started to scream, and my eyes snapped open as I gently laid my hand on his shoulder and I could see sweat forming on his forehead and he was begin to trash about. 

"No, no," he starts to scream uncontrollably, "not Christine," he yells, as he tries to grab something in front of him. "Please, please," he says as tears begin to gently fall out of his eyes, "come back, please, don't leave me my angel," he says, sobbing. 

I couldn't bear the pain anymore, "Erik," I say, shaking him, "please Erik, wake up," I scream, tears coming out of my eyes, but nothing works. I begin to become nervous and I see a bucket that we kept the wine it and it was filled with a mixture of ice and water. 

I hop out of the bed as soon as I realize that he was having another night terror, just like he has for the last few months, I run and grab the bucket as I carry it over to his side. I throw the water on to him as he keeps screaming my name uncontrollably. As the water hits him, his eyes shoot open and he sees me standing there, my face tear stained. 

He jumps up and pulls me close to him and kisses me unexpectedly. I am surprised at the kiss and gently kiss back, but he deepens it, as it becomes more urgent. His hands grab my waist and pulls me as close to him as he can. 

We stop to catch our breath and he looks at me and gently brushes away a hair in front of my face. "I...I thought that I... that I had lost you," he says softly, as he gently kissed my cheek. "What happened," I ask him, as I gently cupped his face. 

"Nothing," he says and walks over to the bed as he pulls off the damp sheets. "Erik," I say and he turns around, "you promised," I tell him and he sighs and looks away. "It's nothing Christine," he says and I become frustrated. "Fine," I say, walking out the door, "I am going to get some air." 

I begin to walk up the balcony, tired and frustrated, why must he keep secrets from me. I sat down, the rain falling all around me and I began to cry. I was upset and tired, from keeping a secret for trying to hide my feelings, for being away from my children for so long. 

Why must he hold this power above me, why was I rendered so useless around him. Was I just his play toy, something he used when we wanted some fun. When I get older and my voice starts to die out, will he still want me, or will he leave me for another girl, younger and prettier, whose voice would be far more spectacular then mine? 

"Oh God, why am I here," I gently cry, "does he love me? Do I love him," I ask and then realized what I said. Do I truly love him, a man like him? "He keeps secrets from me, he forces me into leaving my children, he makes me lie to everyone around me, he's killed the most important thing from my childhood, the only thing that remembered my father," I say as I look out onto the balcony. 

Once upon another time

Our story had only begun

You chose to turn the page

And I made choices too

Once upon that other time

We did what we thought must be done

And now we have no choice

We do what we must do

We love, we live

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