Leave This Place Behind

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Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while I have a really huge project coming up that I have to work on. And by huge I mean like 300 points. Anyhow I hope you enjoy and if you haven't check out my other book, Love Never Fails. Keep reading and voting, I love y'all!! 

Christine's POV 

I screamed at the bloody sight before me, " Erik," I say softly, " what have you done?" He tries to walk over me and lays his hand on my arm. " Christi-" he starts, but I cut him off. " Don't you dare Christine me," I snap, walking away from him. 

" Please, listen to me," he starts, " please," he begs. " What did you do," I cry, " what happened?" I walk over to Raoul, who lay there, the Punjab Lasso coiled around his neck. 

I lay my hand on his cheek, " Roaul," I cried, " Raoul, please wake up." I bent down, trying to find a heartbeat, and yet to my prevail, nothing. 

" What did you do," I scream at him. " Listen to me," he says, coming closer to me. " I had to Christine," he says, his voice getting darker," I was tired of him, tired of running." 

I stand up," How are we going to explain this to Elliot," I scream, then think about what I just said. " Oh God, Elliot," I cry. 

Erik's arm's wrap around me, but I shove him away, " Don't touch me," I say. " Breathe for a moment Christine," he says, trying to calm me down. " How can I breathe, you just killed someone Erik, for God's sake, Raoul, of all people, Raoul," I scream. 

Suddenly Erik roughly grabs my arm and pulls me to face him. His hands grip my shoulder, " Did you still love him Christine, is this all just a game to get my money, to get your limelight back," he screams. I struggle to get out of his grip, but his hands squeeze tighter, " I am going to need an answer Christine," he says slowly and darkly. 

" Please Erik," I say, tears welling up in my eyes, " let me go, please," I beg. " Answer me," he screams, and I begin to cry. " Erik, please," I say softly, the pain becoming unbearable. 

He shoves me away from him, and I fall to the floor. " Erik, stop this madness, please," I say, my voice shaking. " You're better than this," I say, " let me have my husband back, please." 

He spins around to face me, " I am not your husband anymore," he says. " No, Erik, please I can explain," I cry, as he begins to walk away. 

" One minute," he says, his back still facing away from me. I try to stand up, but my leg's give out from underneath me. " I don't love him Erik, believe me, it's you, for God's sake it has always been you," I say and he turns around. 

" I am just shocked, confused, I don't know what to think anymore," I say, looking at Raoul. " Is he, truly dead," I ask. I hear Erik sigh, " Yes," he says. 

" What are we going to do," I say, my voice shaking. " What we do well, run," he says. " Wait the children, what about the children," I ask, " they're waiting outside for us." 

" Run, Christine," he says, " we have to run, without them, they cannot know what happened." My heart breaks, " I grab a pen and paper," I say, but Erik grabs my arm. " No, there can be no trace of us," he says. 

I nod and silently follow, and I hear the door open and the sounds of multiple footsteps. " Marius are you sure we should be doing this," Gustave asks. " Of course, Mother should be in here," Marius says. 

" Christine," Erik whispers, " come on darling, we have to go." A tear slides down my eyes, as Erik leads me off the stage. " There should be some cloaks," he says. 

I grab the nearest black cloak and tie it around my neck. Erik grab's my hand and continues to lead me. I hear a scream, from one of the boys and I have to control myself from running in there. 

We take the nearest exit door, " We will go home and pack a week's worth of stuff, no more and no less," he instructs me. " We will head back to Paris, were I will continue to haunt the opera house, and you will own and manage it, following my instructions. You are also to tell the police that I am dead, the news shouldn't travel to America, where the children should continue to stay." 

I nod, " Wait, why can't you lie, say Raoul attacked you, and you simply you simply defending you. What if the news does travel to America and they children think you are dead, the news of you owning the opera should just stay in Paris," I ask. 

" Please Erik," I beg, " I can't bear to loose you, even if it is pretend, you're all I have now." He stops and turns around, his hand laying on my cheek. " Please" I beg, my voice quivering. 

He gently removes the cloak away from my face, " Alright," he says, " we have to get going." He starts to walk, but I stop him. " Wait," I say and he turns around and looks at me. " Promise me something," I say. " Anything," he says, walking closer to me. 

" Promise that no matter what we go through the next few months, that we won't yell, we won't fight, we will stay together, no matter what happens," I say, walking closer to him. " No matter what happens, whatever hell we go through that day, the next morning we will wake up together, still as in love as the day before. Say that you will never leave me," I say, " you're all I have left."

He looks at me, " I promise," he says. I lean in, our lips so close to touching, " I love you." He smiles, and gently cupping my face, " I love you too." 

He brings me closer before he kisses me. I wrap arm's around his neck, and he wraps his arm's around my waist. This kiss held no lust, no need, nor any passion. This kiss was just full of love, full of reassurance that when I woke up tomorrow that he would be by my side. 

" Come on Christine," he says, " we have to go." 

I look at the theatre one last time, and I could hear the faint voices coming from the inside, coming from my boys. My heart hurt, just thinking about Aria and Charlotte, growing up without their mother, just as I did. They would never have their father, they would never know why we left. 

They would think that we didn't love them, that we didn't care about them, that we hated them. As much as I hurt me to leave them, I knew it was for the best. 

I pulled the cloak over my face as I turned away from the building. 

Goodbye sweet children, please never forget me. 

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